You are blessed, shut up...


Well-Known Member
Okay now that I got your attention, this was the conversation I had with myself today. Yeah I talk to myself to keep myself sane, lol.

Anyway, the past 2 days have been hectic for me. I have had some people messing with me in the financial area of my life. It seemed like one thing after another happened with some deals that were supposed to take place. I finally broke down and started crying. Last night I prayed. Today one of them got resolved and I was still stressing over the other. As I was upset and thinking, it hit me, Queeny20 you are blessed and you need to praise GOD no matter what.

It never amazes me that when things get hard, we turn to GOD like never before. As soon as HE brings us through, we testify, are thankful, but slowly slack off in the praise. I want you to look at your life and see the blessings instead of the stressings. I don't even know if that is a real word but I like the way it sounds.

I took a good hard look at my life and realized I am blessed. I have an awesome GOD, 3 beautiful kids, a husband who treats me like a Queen, wonderful friends, thriving businesses, I can go on and on. So even though I am going through, I am blessed and so are you. Just stop for a minute and take a look at how far GOD has brought you.

Are you done? See, HE is good aint HE?!!!

Now I am not trying to downplay the trials and tribulations in our lives because they are very real. However I want to change the way we do things. We need to start "Praising" GOD through our struggles. You see I did not say "Pray to" GOD, I said Praising. Why? I'm glad you asked me that let me tell you why:
1)HE is worthy- if GOD never does another thing for you, HE has already done enough. We can yell, cheer, and root for our favorite team but slack when it comes to GOD.
2)Praising through your situation, messes the devil up!!! His job is to take you down, get you off track. Yes you pray, fast, read your bible, but do you PRAISE? Satan will flee because he knows that you already have the victory.
This is not being fake or putting on a facade, this is about doing what we were made to do. We were created to praise GOD. Praising HIM is separate from whatever we going through, it has no affect on giving GOD what is due. Sometimes we get so down and out that we forget who our GOD is.
Praise HIM through your storm, whether you get the answer you want or not.
Praise HIM because HE is worthy.
Praise HIM because HE has already done enough.
Praise HIM and make the devil flee.
Praise HIM and let the world know the GOD we serve is real.
Praise HIM because although you are not where you want to be, you are not where you used to be.
Praise HIM because HE allowed you to see this day. A day you have never seen before.
Praise HIM because HE was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities.
Praise HIM because HE is GOD.
Be blessed ladies. Q
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Thanks for posting this. I must learn how to praise God inspite of my circumstances. Thanks again
Hallelujah sistamommagirl Q20. The title said it all. In spite of whatever is going on in my life I have to step back and reflect on the good things. :) The good outways the few bad things and for that I am truly blessed. Yeah I tell myself to shut up too. :lachen:
Praise God, He is always right on time!!! I read this just as I began to worry and fret. Thank you for posting this!
God Bless!:)

Praising is what bring forth the blessing.

Years ago I use to go to God and whine and cry about what I was going through because I thought that would melt his heart and cause him to move on my behalf. NOT

Well, one day I guess God got tired of my little act and said, "Daughter, your tears don't move me but your faith will, and from that day to this one. I do cry but it's just releasing the pain so that I can go on and after the tears, i get up and say ok Lord let's do this and break out in the the most craziest praise.

"Lady Q", you are so on point. I needed to shut my spirit and my mouth up and just praise God for all that He had done for me and mine...

God bless you for posting this. Shimmie needed to read it and take heed to it. Guess what? Shimmie heeded...indeed she did... ;)

{{{ Hugs, Angel, all to you and yours...}}} ;)
Amen Amen!! I need that this morning. We can really overlook all that he has already done. Sometimes we even act like he owes us. I know I do sometimes. But yeah, we are all blessed. We can be sooo ungrateful at times.

****Typing this while trying to find a way to erase my "Pity Party" post that I put up last night****:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Girl.....I came to this forum today because I truly needed to be reminded of this!!! Thanx Queeny and God bless each of you!!!!