yotegra's hair album


New Member
yotegra\'s hair album

I was finally able to start a short album. These photos were taken back in December. My hair has grown a little since then. I will post more pictures after I wash my hair this week. It's been too hot and I've been too lazy to do anything but wear it in a ponytail.

Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Your hair looks great!!
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Very thick too....nice hair
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

I feel my red period is coming on. What is the new of your hair colour, it is so pretty. Your hair looks very lush, thick and pretty also.
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Thank you ladies. I use a rinse called Clairol's Professional Beautiful Collection, that I got at the BSS. It comes in many different shades. I used the Gold.
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

I know it doesn't look gold in my hair. Somehow it took on a color of its own.
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

I saw your pic in the photo gallery. I was like 'wow'. Your hair is so pretty. I also left you a little comment there (photo gallery).
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Thanks again ladies for your comments. You guys are making me blush over here.
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Wow, so much pretty hair to share these last few weeks
! Very Very Nice Yotegra
! That color is gorgeous and you have very healthy lush hair!!!
Re: yotegra\'s hair album

Thanks ladies. I updated and added a more current photo. Thanks again for your comments.