Yet Another Small Update.


New Member
I'm making another minor update. I added last weeks rollerset to my hair album. Also, a couple more kid pics (for those interested). As you will be able to tell, I have gone to black. I miss my cherrywood color, but the dark roots, the gray hair and the light hair was too much!
Very beautiful hair, lovely and thick whenever your style, thank you for sharing your pictures. Your children are so adorable.
Absolutely loved the updates. The babies are just scrumptous. Your hair is getting more and more gorgeous by the month. I love looking at it.
Your hair is beautiful!!! How long have you been doing the baggie thing?? And what did you put on your ends, it all looks great :) .
Gorgeous hair!

I like the black color and your rollerset looks GREAT! Oh, I will be stealing your little girl, she is too cute...I'm getting baby faver! :lol:
Thanks guys! I'm trying. I want bsl by the end of next year or bust! I confess to being lazy though, but I will do the minimum to protect the! Bless ya'll who have those extravigant wash days. I am not the one!

@sengs-I've been doing the baggie method for just about 2 months. On my ends I use olive cream and castor oil or olive oil.

And thanks for the compliments on my kids. They grow so fast, so I'm just trying to enjoy these moments.