Yet Another Question About Co-Washing


Well-Known Member
Recently I just went crazy in the store and bought a whole bunch a condish's for co washing: Tresemme moisture rich, Hello Hydration, LTR, and the LTR leave in as well as suave coconut. They were all on sale so i figure what the hell why not cuz in canada these things are like 2-3 dollars more than if i got them in the states and the taxes lawd! But anyways when I co wash sometimes its once a week and I comb my hair out when i co wash. My question is when one condish that u are cowashing with doesn't give that slip so that detangling is a breeze do some of you use another condish just to comb out with? I ask this because I was just thinking when we shampoo a condish is followed up with to add moisture and comb out the hair (well for me it is) just wanted to know if this is done or considered by anyone else. Iam natural 4a/b I think.
Yep, when a conditioner doesn't work, I use another one that I know will give the the results I want :yep:
thanks for the replys also in my initial posting I meant to say if one condish doesn't give u the slip to detangle do you use another do u switch condish in the same co washing session just to detangle with if that makes any sense. I ask this because I know that each condish contains maybe different chemicals and although you are washing out the previous condish would it harm to use another in the same session to detangle.
How long are you letting the cond sit before trying to detangle? I find that if I apply then do my other shower stuff then rinse my hair, it's usually easier to detangle because the cond has had time to soak in a bit. Also, are you CW in one direction? I do everything going back, not piling my hair on top of my head or rubbing vigorously causing more tangles, like I'm going to put my hair in a ponytail. Just some thoughts...