Yet another newbie + coloring question

Hi ladies! Yes I am a former lurker, born again newbie. :grin: Actually, I don't feel much like a newbie because I am already participating in challenges (I'm on the carrot juice challenge).

So, here's my story. I did not get a relaxer for over a year. I actually grew it out & cut the relaxed hair off. After the year was up I accidentally underprocessed or texlaxed my natural. So, I had my first texlax nearly three months ago. I want to get color, a rinse. I've read some threads about color showers and henna but my hair is somewhat dry and I don't want to make it worse. I've heard that henna can do this. Does anyone have any coloring products they can suggest? I don't want anything permanent. And I'm shooting for a dark brown/black color.
IMO, Color Showers isn't drying but to each her own...I use it and absolutely love it! It's very gentle. If you haven't done so already, check out and take a look at the colors, description, and I think the ingredients are posted as well. Good luck to you.