Yet another bunning question- all welcom


Well-Known Member
I posted this in the bunning thread challenge but decided to make a seperate thread for it to get more traffic.

Do any of you sleep in your buns? If so how do you manage and when do you take it down? If now how do you style you bun at night? Also if you redo your bun everyday how do you prevent the manipulation not to give you a setback or anything?

Also what do you do to the front of your hair because just wearing a bun pulled back makes the front of my head feel so plain.Pictures or descriptions of how you style the front of your bun or even your bun in general will be appreciated.
My bun is pretty "plain-jane". I moisturize nightly and pin up w/ a bobby pin. In the morning I finger comb the edges and in goes the bun. I'm currently trying to find some cute headbands or something to add a little flava to my bun.

I haven't really been wearing "out" buns lately but when I do I usually take it down nightly and just braid or pin it into place so that its looser but still in the same shape. Right now I am in a braided bun that I previously oiled and didn't wrap tight so I haven't taken it down and won't until tomorrow.
I can't exactly sleep in my buns, since I secure them with a hair stick or fork, someone could lose an eye! :lol: Generally, I'll make a loose braid. If I'm feeling extra lazy, I just fold my ponytail in half or wrap it around my hand a few times and secure the mass with an elastic.

I have to re-do my bun every day, I fiddle around with my hair so I'll re-do my bun several times a day. It's not heavy manipulation, since I'm not exactly combing or fighting with my hair when I bun, it's more like pushing it around with my hands until it's where I want it.

As for the front, I mostly wear my hair pulled straight back, I don't think it's boring :look: Sometimes, I'll finger comb a slight off-center part. If you're concerned with the front looking plain, you can experiment with deep side sweeps or bangs, maybe?
My bangs are too short to do side sweeps but maybe I'll invest in some head bangs. For some reason each time I do a part after I apply the scarf method to smooth my hair down, it disappears. I guess I have to get better at it.