Yes, You CAN Start A New Life in Christ!


Well-Known Member
God told me to make a 1500 mile move back to the desert of Phoenix, AZ with no job, no money, and no car. All I had was hope and faith in Him. He asked me to briefly share my story with you ladies to remind you that you can START over, too.

God had been telling me to move back to the desert to receive mentoring for music ministry but I got sidetracked by a false relationship with a man that I was making God. I finally chose to surrender and be obedient to His word by leaving everything behind.

I had $69.00 and two bags of clothes when I got off the plane in Arizona in August. My former bible teacher was letting me live with her as long as I wanted. I didn’t have a car but didn’t mind catching the bus... then I found out that she lived 2 miles from the nearest bus stop, no sidewalks—just farmland, desert and irrigation ditches. I had to walk over animal carcasses… and run from a coyote (they are huge). At night after I got a little money, I would wait at the bus stop for a taxi because it was too dangerous to walk those miles in the dark.

As I walked 2 miles to and from the bus stop to find work, there were many times when I wanted to fall out and die. I was walking those miles in 100 degree weather. One time, I almost fainted but God reminded me that I had to keep moving by sticking my legs with thorns. Once, I wanted to fall in the ditch because I was so hot. Instead of cursing I started praising him for taking me away from “Egypt:” my bad situations.

I learned to like the walk to and from the bus stop because that was my personal time with God. I would sing church songs aloud to keep my morale up. I was definitely singing “a song in a strange land.”

I even had an LHCF member who would come to my house :wave: and encourage me!

There were rumors that AZ had a horrible job market but God told me otherwise. I found a job in less than 7 weeks! I saved enough money from my unemployment checks (finally got benefits after a 9 month struggle) to have my car shipped from 1500 miles away. Finally, on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I moved in my own apartment! Needless to say, I have no reason to shout His praises. In 3 days shy of three months, God gave me the opportunity to start over in a new region, a new job, and a new life focusing on Him.

Is God telling you to step out on faith? Don’t be afraid! Don’t worry about the money or the risks—He’ll supply all of your needs! Go and START that business. START that new life. START that ministry. Be encouraged!

Thank you for your prayers.

This is why its so important to stay intune to the voice of God. Praising God for you!!! God is always faithful, we should never be afraid to obey Him.
Wow. Im sitting here with my heart bleeding and getting scared about all this illuminati,eye of satan stuff conspiracies.. when i really should just trust God and relax :) !

btw.. i found a place here in denmark where they give bible study classes.
if all goes well.. im starting there on saturday :D
Your so right Angelicus. I know for me all it takes is to just obey and do it and stop being afraid of everything.

There is no other way for me to do this than to just trust God. I was writing something and looked up breifly just to glance at something. Before returning to my writing I glanced down to a magazine I had on the floor and on the back cover it said 'There Is Another Way" It's funny how only those word showed up becasue the magazine was covered by other books I had on top of it. I took this as our father telling me that to just trust and believe him follow his way and for me to stop trying to always control things I know for sure I can not control.

Congrats on your wonderful blessings.
All I can say is wow look at God.I feel like you by starting over.I'm working on a new degree because my depression had me down my 1st go around.I feel like Im in a new world new people,new career path,surviving and God has stripped me bare of alot of things but its good to know that it will be all worth it.I'm still looking for a career in my field but it's ok I will stay where I am and keep growing..
Yes, Thank you so much for your testamony. I have started a new life, a new faith I have a new family and friends and for the first time in my life, I am truly happy from all over me not just one part but the whole part. I had nothing to look forward to 9 months ago but in that short period of time I have what I believe heart and soul found God. I lost the connection with my blood family and I get more insults and smart jokes and mocking now then I ever experience before in my entire life and I realize that to serve God with your whole heart is not going to make you a friend of the World. I must be heading in the right directions.