Yes There Is....


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
A Way...

God is my help in every need.

In "The Prayer of Faith," Hannah More Kohaus begins: "God is my help in every need. God does my every hunger feed. God walks beside me, guides my way, through every moment of the day."

With God, there is always a way to meet life's challenges, to rise above what appear to be limiting circumstances. There is always a way to restore wholeness and peace of mind, to experience joy and to grow in spiritual understanding. God is the loving, all- providing presence within me, the unwavering principle of truth and love.

God brings forth the good in any situation. I turn within to God in prayer with faith and expectancy, knowing there is a way through any shadow into the light. "God, I am listening. God, I will abide in you. You are my help in every need."

"For nothing will be impossible with God."--Luke 1:37

Daily Word - Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Way...

...There is always a way to restore wholeness and peace of mind, to experience joy and to grow in spiritual understanding...

God brings forth the good in any situation. I turn within to God in prayer with faith and expectancy, knowing there is a way through any shadow into the light. "God, I am listening. God, I will abide in you. You are my help in every need."

i needed that...........thanks :wink2:
Ladies, I'm so happy that you were blessed with this message.

I wasn't going to log on tonight, because I'm spending time with my mom. She's sleeping like a baby now... :sleep2: And so will I be very soon.

I wanted to share how this message helped me to know that God has a way for everything we need in life. In my life, I needed help and wisdom to care for my mom. I've become the "mother' and she is now the daughter. Each day, I need God to show me the way to make this adjustment and what I need to do to help her.

If I'm not online as much, it's because I'm with my mom. I'm taking care of all of the things she used to do for herself, especially her finances, it's big call, but I love her and it's so amazing to see how God shows me a 'new way' everyday that it takes to provide what she needs.

I gotta tell you, I'm so tired... :lol: :thud: At the same time, I'm having fun; cause my mom is funny. She's a little lady and can create so much work, but it's funny because she's not aware. She's just going along each day, being a blessing and she's loved so much.

Be blessed and be loved. I'm still here, but just not as much.

I just cleared some space in my PM box; it fills up pretty fast. If I'm not logged on, still PM me. The messages come into my home email. I'll log into the forum as soon as I can to reply.

Don't ever forget... there is always "A Way" for each of you. God put into each of your Destinies. :yep: Yes... He truly did.

Remember the book of Jeremiah?

"For I know the plans I have for you... to give you hope of an expected end." The end being the 'WAY' that He has made for you to make it.


back to check on mom... :sleep2: :love3:
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I pray for God to strengthen you physically, mentally, spiritually. I ask him to continue to give you wisdom as you function in this phase of your life. I thank him in advance for meeting your every need as you honor your mother. May your joy always be full.
In the name of Jesus- Amen.
I pray for God to strengthen you physically, mentally, spiritually. I ask him to continue to give you wisdom as you function in this phase of your life. I thank him in advance for meeting your every need as you honor your mother. May your joy always be full.
In the name of Jesus- Amen.

Little Lady... :giveheart: Thank you.

These words alone ...... "in this phase of your life" ...... went straight to my heart. Prudent1, it opened up a path in my heart, for God to flow with His answers.

You've blessed me more than you know, with just those words alone.

You are a very wise lady. They made me think about the "Blood Cleanser". :yep: The open path to healing. God bless you. :Rose: