Yes, I Know I'm a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews


The Bun Master
Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

I'm slightly embarrased to return so quickly w/new Dominican product reviews. But you all are my enablers.
So it's your fault. I'm doing everything I can not to
for Alter Ego Revitalizing Lotion. But my resistances are weakening.

Here we go:
Nacidit Aguacate (Avocado) Shampoo
The poo is super green, like spinach or the skin of an avocado. It's jelly, rather than creamy, but it's a nice thick gel. Smell doesn't stand out much, it's okay, not perfumed heavily. I bought it b/c it didn't have SLS (or any sulfates like the Salerm) and I was low
. Okay, I just wanted a set.
There are only 6-7 ingredients, so I thought it safe & it was only $4.99 (16 oz).

I lathered up twice, b/c my scalp was a little itchy and I wanted my scalp really clean. The product suds nicely, you get a rich lather and it removed build-up very well. It smoothed my hair out nicely. My second wash left my hair and scalp very clean. My hair even squeaked a bit after rinsing, but didn't feel stripped. I noticed after rinsing that my pores seemed opened and tingled afterwards. Sort of like I'd used an antiseptic and got it really clean. It's a nice poo to have in rotation, but doesn't fall in the moisturizing catergory. It's only true short-coming, but it has it's place.
of 5

Nacidit Aguacate (Avocado) Conditioner
I know everyone applauds the Olive Nacidit conditioner, but I thought I'd give the Avocado a try b/c it smelled better (hush, Lindy!
) and they had the shampoo. It has a very pleasant smell, not overly perfumed either, but it does impart its smell after rinsing. It's the same weight as the Olive, which is creamy and heavy, but not as heavy as a cholesterol. It's a bit lighter and has more moisture than a cholesterol. It directs that it should be used for 15 mins.

I rinsed my hair of shampoo and began to apply the conditioner. I always know I have a winner when immediately upon contact I feel my hair softens and responds to the product. It was IMMEDIATE. I didn't even use much product b/c a lighter application seemed to go far and my hair absorbed it like a thirsty sponge. I sat w/it under a heating cap for 20 mins. My hair felt like a cloud.
All for $8.99!!! It has nice slip and left amazing softness behind. I rinsed and added more so that I could leave some in my hair. I kept about 10-20% in my hair after my last rinse.
.75 of 5 (I want to give it a 5... but I need to use it a few more times.)

After washing, I used Phytodefrisant and Lacio Lacio w/my oils and today my hair looks great and smells wonderful. It's got a great healthy sheen, it looks so hydrated, calm and agreeable in my twist-out. Usually it looks a little rebellious (which is fine) but today, it's happy w/me and I'm happier w/it!
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

Sounds like a winner. I just got my Nacidit Olive Oil and I'm going to try the Wheat Germ since I loved the Salerm Wheat Germ so much.
Thanks for the review. I guess I might as well get the Avocado, too.
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

I didn't want to say that
, but I do plan to get all 3. I was w/the Mister, so I didn't want him to think I was this
It's really an illness.

I trust that the Olive is great b/c of reviews I've read here and I figure why pay $15 for Salerm when I bet Nacidit's is pretty good too. I do like the Salerm's though. When I get to a salon again, I'm going to have to bring all kinds of stuff!!!!
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

Thanks for the review I like the Nacidit olive oil conditioner and will try the avocado.
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews


Did you get these products online? Where did you buy them? I looked them up from the addresses posted on this site to find Dominican products but couldn't find them.


Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

kitkat3ny said:

Did you get these products online? Where did you buy them? I looked them up from the addresses posted on this site to find Dominican products but couldn't find them.



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Are you in Flushing Queens? If so, you may want to try areas with a large Latino community. You can also try Jamaica Avenue between Merrick Blvd and Parsons Blvd. I've found Nacidit products in a few of the beauty supply storres on Jamaica Ave. The prices should be cheaper than buying it on online.

Good luck!!
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

@KitKat: I bought them locally. I noticed that only carries Olive. Hopefully you can find it in Flushing. I can't wait to get to NYC again so I can raid the BSS for other stuff!!! Bonne Chance!
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews now carries Wheat Germ and the Avocado Nacidit.
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

Hmmm, interesting. I tried and used the Nacidit olive oil condit, but like the rinse better for some odd reason. I love the Tropical avocado, so I may give the Nacidit one a try. Thanks.
Re: Yes, I Know I\'m a PJ... Nacidit Avocado Reviews

Tai said: now carries Wheat Germ and the Avocado Nacidit.

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Thanks, Tai!