YES! I got free Profectiv samples!!

I STILL haven't received mine!!!!
I received mine last week, and I wondered why it took so long to receive three small sample packets.
Also when I saw it, I wondered why the envelope was open. But I haven't used any of the products yet.
I received my samples Friday Oct 3. The envelope had been opened, but there were 3 samples inside (Growth Masque, 3 Phase Oil and Healthy Ends). I guess these were the products that matched the answers I gave on the survey about my hair problems. It has been so long ago I don't remember what my answers were.
Cherricola I got the same samples-and then spilled my 3 Phase oil all over my bathroom counter!!! You betta believe I used my finger for two days to dab up what I needed-hell, I waited to damn long to get the stuff to let it go to waste! I did like it though.
MissM said:
Cherricola I got the same samples-and then spilled my 3 Phase oil all over my bathroom counter!!! You betta believe I used my finger for two days to dab up what I needed-hell, I waited to damn long to get the stuff to let it go to waste! I did like it though.

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I got mine a long time ago, but I did wait for months
Hey ladies,
I went to the website and checked every box they had listed. I want to be able to try them all whether I have the particular "problem" or not!
I have an extra sample that you can have Nina ... along with your other goodies!

Ballet Bun ...
I got mine after what 2-3 months wait... But they don't tell you what's in them, I'm very reluctant to but stuff in my hair if I don't know what's in it.

Does anyone know what's in the "Ends"
sassygirl125 said:
I received mine yesterday. Approx 6 months after my request. <img src="" alt="" /> The envelope had been opened. <img src="" alt="" /> I got a sample of the 3 Phase Oil, the Growth Masque and Healthy Ends. I wonder if anything was missing...

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Mine was opened too, so I thought. I received the same thing. I received mine this summer. I also received Pantene relaxed and Natural but I haven't tried it yet.
thanks for informing us and THANK YOU to whoever bumped this up. i'm going to profectiv's site as we speak.
can't beat a free sample.