YES!!!!! I finally Joined!!


New Member
Hello everyone! I know a lot of people say this.....But after continuously visiting this site for almost a month, I finally decided to join. My name is Almeta {Al (ME)Tuh} I am in high school, and I want my hair to be long like it used to be in my young teens . My hair began to break off after my mom got a morning job and wasn't physically their to do my hair for me like she used to, which resulted in me putting it in ponytails=breakage, :sad: and I was using alot of spritz in my hair, sleeping in ponytails with no kind of cap on. I went from Apl to neck length. Right now I consider myself Shoulder length. I should be putting up pictures soon.
hellllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo and welcommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee your gonna love this board i promiseeee:grin:
:welcome3: Almeta!!!!

I sure wish I had found this place in high school, I'd be floor length by now! :lol:
Welcome to the forum Almeta. This is my great grandmother and cousins' name.

There is a lot of information here on the board. Take your time to learn the basics and you can go from there. You are off to a great start learning to take care of your hair at a young age. Before you know it, your friends will be asking you for hair tips.
Welcome to the board. I wish that I found this board when I was in high school. I was the laughing stock of the place. Hopefully you won't have to go through what I went through. I am so happy that you are able to post with us!
Well howdy. Glad to see you joined us. If you apply all the tips lchf has your hair will be tickling your torso b4 you know it. LOL