Yeah some success with my new growth..(kinda long)


New Member
I really must thank you ladies for all of you help. I joined this board a while back, but never stuck with it, though I always felt the information here was useful.

Over the last month and a half, maybe two months, I've been visiting regularly and getting down a regime for myself. Due to your encouragement I'm currently trying to stretch my relaxer time. I am in week 4 post relaxer. This would be right around the time that i would be start experiencing difficult combing and shedding. (I usually relax at week 5 or 6).

However due to your advice and guidance, I've started doing conditioner washes every other night or so, and wearing protective styles every day faithfully. My protective style generally consists of putting my hair in a clip and tucking the ends of my hair under with a bobby pin, or I wear DSD's bun (which I love, thanks DSD). I have also been using surge and oiling my roots directly afterward. I'm using wild growth mostly, or jojoba oil.

Anyway, my roots are feeling wonderful!!!!!!!!!

And I'm 4a/b that could never make it to week 7. So far it feels great!!!!!!!!! I'm still getting somethings down in my routine, such as not manipulating my hair as much after I conditioner wash and ponytail dry my hair.

At this rate I may make it past week 8, that is my first goal. If at week 8 my roots are still good i'm going to try for week 10.

Best of all I haven't visited a salon since I got my last relaxer. Yeah for me!!!

Thanks again ladies!!!

Your bun looks exactly like mine!!! Mine is the "assisted bun" from DSD.

I love it.

Once again thanks ladies, oils really do help to make my new growth more manageable.
