Yay! No More Stalking (Newby with Questions)


Deep Thinker
Hi everyone, newby here with a few comments/questions. I chopped my hair down to 2 inches early Spring of last year and tried going natural (which lasted only about 8 months before I slapped a perm in again LOL). So I'm on the road to re-growth.

I'm learning the lingo and I have no clue about what hair type I have or even the proper length. With the help of you ladies (of whom have the most beautiful heads of hair I've seen) I hope to get my hair past it's maximum growth length of about an inch or so past my current length in my picture. You've all been a big help as I stalked the board before biting the bullet and peeling off a couple of ones :grin:.

Already I learned about the proper heat protectants and I bought some Chi Silk Infusion and IC Heat protector and I must say I LOVE THEM BOTH and my hair feels much healthier in the short time I've used them. (I'm a recovering Pantene junkie). I've learned to bun (properly) during the week and limit the heat. I'm a little afraid to try the co-washing thingie because of my snobby and itchy scalp though.

Question 1: I use Precise perm and I have been using it for years. It seems most of the women here use lye relaxers and I'm afraid to switch although I'm wondering if I'm hindering my growth using that relaxer. :ohwell:

Question 2: I went an entire year without putting any type of oil or anything on my scalp or hair (only Pantene heat protector spray). My hair was it's healthiest and fullest at that time and I had no itchy scalp problems until Pantene discontinued their heat spray. Still no grease but my scalp is kinda dry. Any ideas for the scalp?

Thanks in advance ladies!!

Question #2: You should try co-washing. This definitely helped me with my itchy, dandruff ridden scalp.
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I use Precise and I get great results, I will use it until they no longer make it. I think not putting anything on the scalp would be a personal preference.
Question 1: I use Precise perm and I have been using it for years. It seems most of the women here use lye relaxers and I'm afraid to switch although I'm wondering if I'm hindering my growth using that relaxer. :ohwell:

Question 2: I went an entire year without putting any type of oil or anything on my scalp or hair (only Pantene heat protector spray). My hair was it's healthiest and fullest at that time and I had no itchy scalp problems until Pantene discontinued their heat spray. Still no grease but my scalp is kinda dry. Any ideas for the scalp?
Hi, :wave:

Welcome to the forum.

I'm currently transitioning. However, when I started out getting relaxers, I was getting no-lye relaxers. They were great on my scalp, but they were harsh on my hair (made my hair always look so dry). When I started getting into online hair forums (in 1999), I did a lot of reading and decided to switch to lye relaxers. The lye relaxers were not harsh on my scalp (because I would get my scalp based properly), and the lye relaxers were so much better with my hair (because my hair would no longer look so darn dry). I was willing to take a chance on switching after I did a lot of my own research and reading, and I was glad I made the switch to lye relaxers.

If you feel you need to use something on your scalp, maybe you can try jojoba oil since it's the oil that's the closest to your own scalp's sebum. I take EFA (essential fatty acid) pills, and I don't feel a need to oil my scalp because this keeps my scalp in check (and my skin too). Years ago I used to 'grease my scalp'.

Just wanted to say thank you to all the ladies who welcomed me aboard and for the advice. I will definitely look into the Jojoba oil for the scalp. Hopefully as summer time comes the dryness will stop but I'll be prepared either way. Boy, I'm really learning a lot and I feel like such a lazy bum for not knowing how to care for my hair all these years.

Thanks and have a great day everyone!!:grin: