Yay! I found out that I can make a ponytail!


I have to use a phony pony to do it, but I can make a ponytail!:lachen: Can anyone tell me if doing this daily will harm my hair? I do not have to pull my hair hard to do this. Hair veterans, I need your help again.
Your hair has grown. It looks so good and healthy. Sorry to don't know about the phonypony but congrats on being able to make a ponytail.:yep:
Can anyone tell me if doing this daily will harm my hair? I do not have to pull my hair hard to do this. Hair veterans, I need your help again.

Nah,...... shouldn't harm your hair at all if you're not pulling your edges back too tightly!
I found that using quite a bit of gel helps to keep the hair in place.
Congratulations. I remember how happy I was when I was able to make a ponytail. Just don't pull it too tight and you should be all right.