Yay!! Celebrating my 1 year Nappiversary!!


Beauty IS skin deep.
Today is officially my 1 year Nappiversary!! :dance7: I'm going back natural. I have gone an entire year with no relaxers, no dyes, no chemicals whatsoever. And it feels good to know that I finally accomplished my goal. I've been tempted many times to relax, but I stood my ground. My roots are really wavy and fuzzy, especially around the edges. Even now, I'm getting the urge to relax, but I kinda like the idea of not having to do touchups every 12 weeks or so. Now I don't have to worry about overlapping, under or overprocessing, unmanageable newgrowth, buying relaxers, etc. I owe it all to my sisters here on LHCF and BHM. I couldn't have done it without you guys. I've learned so much information here that it's just been a blessing. So, thanks to everyone here for letting me be a part of the sisterhood. 1 year natural and going strong!!!:yay:
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Thanks Sareca! The look and texture of your hair inspired me to go back to being natural. Unfortunately, when I do wash n gos, my hair always ends up being a tangled mess. So, I find other styles to keep me looking halfway decent.