Y'all I'm balding!


Well-Known Member
I have been noticing for awhile now that my right side was getting thinner when i would ash my hair. Even w/ pics I would see the right side was not as full so I decided after I wash and condition my hair I would take a pic of my crown and it confirmed what I thought was happening...balding. Right now I'm actually upset b/c I'm not sure why this is happening (I do scratch that spot a lot). Do you ladies think it could be something serious?


Sorry for the huge pic
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Oh no! ((HUG)) And you've been having such good growth!

Have you recently started using new products? A new wig? Been under a lot of stress?

How's your water intake? Sleep?

Lots of factors to consider. Try to think of changes that have occurred in the last few months for you.
I have been noticing for awhile now that my right side was getting thinner when i would ash my hair. Even w/ pics I would see the right side was not as full so I decided after I wash and condition my hair I would take a pic of my crown and it confirmed what I thought was happening...balding. Right now I'm actually upset b/c I'm not sure why this is happening (I do scratch that spot a lot). Do you ladies think it could be something serious?
Is this your crown area? Is this wear you place your ponytail?
Awwww I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Maybe you should go see a doc and maybe look into that essential oil mix Nonie was talking about. I'll try to find the thread.
It may not be balding at all. Do you place your ponytail in that same spot often?

Has your diet changed? Workload? Stress?

I have a few friends that get gray hairs when they are stressed and after the stress is gone the gray hair are gone too. It could be something similar.
SAY WHAT!!!! Thats the first thing that came to my mind then a smile.....Girl just let your magic fingers perform tender massages in the thinning areas after applying your best growth aid oil. Should be better if oil is applied warm.

Best of luck to you hun and i hope you will cross this hurdle!

ETA: consistency brings results!!:yep::yep:
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I'm sorry. :sad:

Have you tried any vitamins, oils or growth aids?

Do you think you handle that area more roughly than the rest of your head?

If you don't already, definitely start massaging an oil into that spot ASAP.
MzSwift, I have been using a sulfur oil mix along w/ GHE and my water intake has been horrible lately.
Allandra, its the upper part of the crown on the right side. I don't wear ponytails but cornrows underneath my wigs.
Guyansesesista, I have a doctor's appt next week which I'm going to discuss w/ her. I was thinking about trying nonie's mix also.
naturalmanenyc, my diet has been horrible lately even though I'm exercising which is not helping w/ my weightloss. I started using a different multi-vitamin (gnc version which I'm not too fond of)
SUNSHINE BABY, I could never stick w/ growth aide consistently but now, I'm going to need to since I'm losing hair over there.

Thank you all for the advice ladies.
@ms.blue itching is usually a symptom of hair loss and having been where you are, I know that itching or soreness are not good things like many on the forum seem to think they are. I consider them as signs that something is amiss with my follicles. Massaging like crazy in that spot--not just sliding fingers over the area--is a good idea. Improves circulation for good deliver of nutrients/oxygen, and removal of toxins.

My alopecia (which is a word that just means hair loss) was related to food, and I believe stress, and I would not have known this had I not been attentive to this and also a firm believer that food can be a cause of illness and also healing. I would notice the itching happening after I ate, but I wasn't eating anything bad or unhealthy. Still according to a food sensitivity test, the food I was eating was actually reacting badly with me, and I'm talking lettuce, bananas, eggs... Nothing horrible. My scalp stopped itching when I omitted those foods. But I didn't stop there, I discovered the essential oil for hair growth concoction and would massage my scalp with it as I shared in the thread that @guyanesesista referred to.

Just don't panic. Low iron, thyroid issues, stress, autoimmune disease...I mean there could be so many causes and until you get tested by a doc, I suggest you try to relax and know that many who've been where you are have gone past that and lived to tell the tale. So know that this too will pass. Even people with autoimmune conditions do find ways to slow down the loss and improve the condition. Just keep a positive mental attitude.

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tiffers, that area is my itchiest spot. As I was typing my responses, I realize my diet and the use of sulfur could be causing my issue. I'm just going to oils (carriers and essential oils)
co signing with nonie big-time on food I'm that way with cheese eggs and other dairy foods. If I don't eat them I don't itch and my scalp is fine same thing with water... If I'm hydrated my hair is happy.
Nonie, I just ordered the essential oils you used in your mix. I'm going to try an experiement by not eating diary for a week to see if my itchiness will stop.

Also try to look for & use products, treatments, techniques or Oils that help to remove, block & inhibit DHT.

Wishing you all the best.:blowkiss:
Just dropping by to say that I'm wishing you the best. :bighug:Jbco might help. It helped thicken my right temple area.
:bighug: :bighug: My cousin actually had a similar area in her head and she used pine tar & black castor oil (see attachment). After daily use for a couple of months, she made a full recovery. She found it at her local BSS.

The ladies have given some great advice as well! I'm sure it will all work out!


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I have this one itchy area in my crown that can easily give me problems. At one point I would scratch there so much until one day I noticed a bald spot the size of a nickel! I was also under a lot of stress at the time.

To avoid problems I try to keep my scalp clean by clarifying my scalp as any conditioner build up will cause it to itch. Going too long between washes will also cause this area to itch. Another thing is I try to keep my fingers out of that area. I find the more I scratch, the more I itch.
IDareT'sHair, I also bought 1300 milligrams of evening primrose oil soft gel caps and 1oz of saw palmento berry liquid in dropper form to apply right on the scalp.
Janet' and divachyk, I realize I can't put jbco on my scalp b/c it causes my scalp irritation.
Jetblackhair, I'm going to have start washing my hair every week now, instead of the two weeks I have been doing for a year now. At first washing every two weeks seem to work for me in terms of less manipulation and my scalp seem okay w/ it but it seems now it is causing me excessive itching.
I also have a thin spot right in my crown, the right side is also thinner (I also sleep on the right side) the thinner right side has always been that way, when I was relaxed that side also always flipped up when I combed out my roller sets (dunno why)

anyhoo genetics may play a part, my moms hair is also thinning in her crown (however shes 68 and our crows look similar and hers didint start thinning until recently)

Since I went natural I also realized that I have a "whack patch" of 4z hair at my crown so I pay extra attention ot it, more protein and moisture and be more gentle with it when detangling.

you've got some good advice already I guess you just have go through a process of ellimination to figure out the problem
Hey Ms. Blue. I have the same problem, started a few years ago; the hair came out in small clumps on my crown that added up to a quarter sized spot. I was under a CRAZY amount of stress during this time. It took a long time but it came back, not sure if using Jane Carter Solution scalp nourishing serum helped, but it did help me with the itching. I now have a NEW spot on the back of my head about the size of a dime, SMH. This is one of the reasons I've decided to transition. So I'm right there with you and I'll be following this thread for advice too.

Also try to look for & use products, treatments, techniques or Oils that help to remove, block & inhibit DHT.

Wishing you all the best.:blowkiss:

I'm going to cosign this, not because of anything I've tried but because of numerous things I'd read about women who have this type of hair loss. It is often hormonal. I had my hormones checked and I have high levels of DHEA, which I've read and turn into DHT in the hair follicles! So I am SURE that's behind my hair situation.
Does alopecia/baldness in one area run in your family? It could be genetic?

It could be the wigs...maybe the friction from the wigs is causing that to happen?