Y'all cannot believe what i just experienced


New Member
So i did a touch up for my flatmate using dark n lovely no lye relaxer and i am giving my her directions on how to rinse the relaxer, then shampoo with the neutralising shampoo about four to six times or until the shampoo lather turns white from pink.
Next think I noticed is that both the neutralising shampoo and deep conditioner meant to be used after rinsing out the relaxer from the previous touch up she did were still in the box, unopened.
So I ask my flat mate why they are still there whether the lady that did the touch up did not use it and she says no.
I'm like WTF? what did she use then?
She said just ordinary shampoo, and lathered just once, rinsed out, no DC and immediately dried the hair with a hand dryer then proceeded to fix the hair
I felt like screaming .
And she paid for it cos the woman said she was a professional.

just had to share
She should thank her lucky stars she still has any hair...good grief. Heck, one wash with a neutralizer wasn't enough for me...I can't STAND that smell, and one good wash is not going to get that out.
I'm surprised at how many people seem to not know about the neutralizing shampoo these days. What are they teaching in some beauty schools? Or are some people just hard headed? When I first started using relaxers even children knew this stuff. I will say that I have a jar of relaxer where the instructions do not mention neutralizing shampoo in English but the Spanish translation does. So if you can read English you might not know but if you can read Spanish you have a shot at saving your hair? smh. I suppose some people are getting away with it coz conditioner is acidic and helps with neutralization.
Is your friend sure this lady used just regular shampoo? You can buy a bottle of neutralizing shampoo at a BSS. I could see someone assuming a large bottle of neutralizing shampoo is regular shampoo. I say this because your friend's hair would have fallen out without the neutralizer. I have accidentally left relaxer in my hair by not completely washing it out while self relaxing and my hair fell out.

Your friend may be mistaken about what products were used on her head.
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Yea...how does she still have hair!? I used to wash my hair like a BILLION times with that darn neutralizing shampoo and it stayed pink forever!
I have a confession... I've washed out relaxer without a neutralizing shampoo before and I still have all my hair it happens... *shields her face*
I'm surprised at how many people seem to not know about the neutralizing shampoo these days. What are they teaching in some beauty schools? Or are some people just hard headed? When I first started using relaxers even children knew this stuff. I will say that I have a jar of relaxer where the instructions do not mention neutralizing shampoo in English but the Spanish translation does. So if you can read English you might not know but if you can read Spanish you have a shot at saving your hair? smh. I suppose some people are getting away with it coz conditioner is acidic and helps with neutralization.
I dont know what it is either. I think it's stubborness. :swearing::evil: They probably don't think anything will happen, or are rushing and simply dont care. That makes me so angry. I wonder if my past stylists used a neutralizer everytime they relaxed my hair. My scalp is damaged from the past and I wonder if that's why. It sucks because we trust them. And for themnto be hard headed I just want to :hammer:
In my 20+ years going to a salon to get relaxers, I'd say 1% of them used a neutralizing anything. Then I wondered why my hair was a hot mess back in the day LOL

don't stone me I had no idea