Ya gotta love this site!!!


Beauty IS skin deep.
I was looking to try MMP and I happened to be on beautyofnewyork.com's website. They had the MMP in the tub for $7.99!!! Now mind you, I just saw this stuff in Sally's a few days ago for $11.99. I love beautyofnewyork. That site rocks!! It's on my list for my next shopping spree with them!
I don't know what MMP is, but I love this site as well. I'm bookmarking it! Talk about one-stop-shopping! :grin:
As a matter of fact, I'm looking at a list of things I want to get from there. I'm stocking up on my Avacado Condish, my Olive Oil Rinse, my ORS RP, Silicon Mix and Salerm. I may try out some more things from there, but for right now those are things on my list for my post X-mas shopping spree!
This is a great site. Thanks for posting. This is where I'm going when I get ready for my next shopping spree.