
Well-Known Member
...if you were me.

My son is in the third grade. His teacher has recently been bringing up the non-existence of God in class.

Just to preface this post, I am a Christian, but that is not why this situation bothers me so much.

My son said that for no apparent reason the teacher will say things such as "If a God made you so much then why didn't he carry you in his tummy...your mother and father made you" and "people who believe in God only do so because they were told to." The list goes on a little.

Anyway, My problem is simple: this is not a college philosophy class or a theology school. God or a question of His existence has no relevance there during instruction time.
Why are these third graders being subjected to any teacher's views on religion or God?

I'm am trying to exercise some wisdom in this situation. I'm not on the defense for the Lord. He certainly doesn't need my defense.
I just want this teacher to be professional and do exactly what he was hired to do.

This guy is so bold. Fact is, if the shoe were on the other foot (e.g. he was going to school preaching God or salvation to the children), and someone complained, I KNOW that his head would be on the chopping block.:blush:
She has no right. I have just as much of an issue with this as I do with people who bring religion into the classroom. Let the parents decide what they want their children to believe. Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. That's all that teachers need to worry about.
I would report it. They are to be unbias.

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That's exactly what I am going to do!
It's just so ridiculous to me. My son is like a little Paul, he doesn't mind preaching to anyone about the Lord.:lol:
That's not what he's in school for though and he shouldn't feel a need to.
He told me that he is the only on who speaks up when the teacher does this, then the teacher becomes a little salty. What the heck is his problem? I'm telling...it's just so inappropriate.

ETA: I told my son to just ignore it and keep his comments to himself. Again, it's not the time and it's not the place.
She has no right. I have just as much of an issue with this as I do with people who bring religion into the classroom. Let the parents decide what they want their children to believe. Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. That's all that teachers need to worry about.

Tis all I am saying!:yep::yep::yep:
Find out what the rules are of the district where he attends school. If she's going against the curriculum and modicum of behavior and teaching, bring it up to the principal. If it continues, go higher. She's overstepping boundaries because, as far as I know, this is not allowable anywhere.
I would also report it and in addition, request a conference with both the teacher AND the principal along with your husband or a family witness so that no one can re-arrange the details of what was shared in your meeting.

This teacher needs to know that you mean business. In addition, let her know that you will be 'watching' your sons grades like a hawk in the event she decides to retaliate by lowering his grades unjustly. Some of these non-fearing, non-believing God fools can act even more like fools when they are confronted with their foolishness.

Blessings to you and your family. :Rose:
He surely is against the rules.
...Instead of reporting him first, I would start by a calm and polite but significant parent-teacher talk (or write a letter (trace) addressed to him, but be careful with your words).
He knows the other step is the report if...
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ITA w/ the ladies who said to report the teacher. That is totally out of line. Where's the ACLU now? I am so sick of teachers who do this and other things like teach/ speak of their alt lifestyle when they should be teaching 2+2 =4 ONLY! If the shoe was on the other foot the full news crew & err body would be out in full array! GOHWTBC!

ETA: How do you change what is known to be absolute truth to suit some other agenda? You get to the younger generation and teach them whatever version of truth you like...

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Witnesses :yep: .. it's best to have witnesses when confronting the teacher about anything, esp something like this. It's hard to dispute documented occurrences and any 'fallout' that could follow. So this is a good strategy. This isn't a situation for just a chat with Teach...

I would also report it and in addition, request a conference with both the teacher AND the principal along with your husband or a family witness so that no one can re-arrange the details of what was shared in your meeting.

This teacher needs to know that you mean business. In addition, let her know that you will be 'watching' your sons grades like a hawk in the event she decides to retaliate by lowering his grades unjustly. Some of these non-fearing, non-believing God fools can act even more like fools when they are confronted with their foolishness.

Blessings to you and your family. :Rose:
He surely is against the rules.
...Instead of reporting him first, I would start by a calm and polite but significant parent-teacher talk (or write a letter (trace) addressed to him, but be careful with your words).
He knows the other step is the report if...


This teacher has already shown his/her disregard for OP's faith and what she's teaching her son. He's doing what satan did in the Garden with Eve, disputing what God had taught to her via Adam. "Did God say....?"

This has to go higher so that this teacher understands that this is one parent who is not playing games with her son's faith. And it is imperative that OP has a witness with her when she meets with both the teacher AND the principal. Reason: The principal may have the same stupidity as the teacher. From there, it's goes to the School's system, Superintendent. From there to the Mayor, the Governor and the Local News along with my Church backing me up.

How is that these schools can stop us from 'praying' in the schools, remove the 10 Commandments, put teachers on report (and some have been fired) for just saying the name of Jesus, and expect Christians to become passive and wet noodles and allow them to tamper with the Truth that we teach our children.

Crown it's not you I'm speaking this to ... Not at all, loved one... :Rose: I respect your post. :yep:

I'm speaking to the system that has gone way too far with their mess and teaching it to our children. I don't play that and they will know it and back down when I confront them with it.

We cannot afford to be 'nice' to the devil and his works as it only gives him more time to do more damage to our children. These teachers need to know who they're dealing with and think again before they open their mouths with lies against our faith when they speak to our children. I'm not sending my child to school to become opposed to Jesus. satan cannot claim my children's soul.

Far too many teens are caught up in hell with sexual exploits, drugs, alcohol, rebellion, recklessness, because they do not know God's love. And for a teacher to stand before my child and challenge them to not believe in God??????

I'm not standing for it. I will not be nice about it. I give the devil no place.

I love you, Crown. Again, it's not you, it's the system I'm coming against.

This teacher has already shown his/her disregard for OP's faith and what she's teaching her son. He's doing what satan did in the Garden with Eve, disputing what God had taught to her via Adam. "Did God say....?"

This has to go higher so that this teacher understands that this is one parent who is not playing games with her son's faith. And it is imperative that OP has a witness with her when she meets with both the teacher AND the principal. Reason: The principal may have the same stupidity as the teacher. From there, it's goes to the School's system, Superintendent. From there to the Mayor, the Governor and the Local News along with my Church backing me up.

How is that these schools can stop us from 'praying' in the schools, remove the 10 Commandments, put teachers on report (and some have been fired) for just saying the name of Jesus, and expect Christians to become passive and wet noodles and allow them to tamper with the Truth that we teach our children.

Crown it's not you I'm speaking this to ... Not at all, loved one... :Rose: I respect your post. :yep:

I'm speaking to the system that has gone way too far with their mess and teaching it to our children. I don't play that and they will know it and back down when I confront them with it.

We cannot afford to be 'nice' to the devil and his works as it only gives him more time to do more damage to our children. These teachers need to know who they're dealing with and think again before they open their mouths with lies against our faith when they speak to our children. I'm not sending my child to school to become opposed to Jesus. satan cannot claim my children's soul.

Far too many teens are caught up in hell with sexual exploits, drugs, alcohol, rebellion, recklessness, because they do not know God's love. And for a teacher to stand before my child and challenge them to not believe in God??????

I'm not standing for it. I will not be nice about it. I give the devil no place.

I love you, Crown. Again, it's not you, it's the system I'm coming against.

I understand what your are saying, Shimmie.

Her son will believe what she teaches to him.

My concern is the soul of this teacher.
I keep thinking that praying for him before a good parent-teacher talk (or a letter), just about the rules and the respect of her beliefs, could be more good for him than the legal procedure, and could be a great example for her son.

[FONT=&quot]We can agree to disagree.[/FONT] :kiss:
Tyra I agree with you. Your son's teacher is out of line. The teacher is hired to teach math, science, or whatever her subject matter may be. I would report the situation to the school. I am Christian so I would also pray for her (who knows what may be going through her mind to denouce God).