WWIII-Wedding @ church or not...


New Member
I will be getting married in the near future-2025:lol: No, but I hope to be married by the time I am at least in my late twenties or early thirties (I'm 22). I am a practicing Christian who grew up in the church and still faithfully attends (Actually, I am about to honor Christ's command for communion in about an hour). Here is my dilemma: I have never been too keen on having a wedding at a church. Why? All of them look the same to me with a few exceptions. I want something unique.

I really have a desire to get married outside surrounded by God's creation-nature. Unfortunately, other people look at me like I am committing blasphemy when I say that I want to get married by the ocean or on a mountainous area. To all of the believers, what are you feelings on this, because I am pretty certain that the Bible is silent on this issue? Oh, and do you think that a legitimate pastor or minister would agree to perform the ceremony if it is not at the Williams Chapel Burning Bush Healing Temple or some other church?
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I've always found it odd that people were taken aback if you wanted to get married surrounded by God's creation rather than brick and mortar. I understand the Catholic rational behind marrying in the church, but not the Protestant reasons. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're Catholic and you get married outside the church - be it by the ocean or in the courthouse - your marriage is NOT recognized by the church. Period. It seems consistent. However, I've known people who were married at the courthouse before they "came to the Lord" and no one in the church blinked an eye when they learned of that ceremony. But for some reason, getting married outside or in a garden is pagan or blasphemous. I don't get it.

By the way, my husband and I were married in a huge, beautiful botanical garden in the presence of God, the minster, our family, and our friends. It was inside, but the conservatory was a large, clear dome, so you could see the blue sky and the sun setting as we took our vows. I have no regrets. :) God's presence is limitless. He is not bounded by buildings of man.
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter where a person gets married (location/setting) as long as the other things are in place, e.g., the LORD put it together, a reputable, legal, ordained man and/or woman of God, the bride/groom, legal license, etc.

My parents got married in my grandparents' basement in a VERY SMALL HOME and they've been married 40 years.

For about 10 minutes I thought I wanted a HUGE church wedding. Now? Not so much. An intimate chapel would be nice. I would like to be in a sacred setting, and that can be achieved anywhere where the Lord is, but you know....
I've been a wedding designer (floral and bridal accessories) and consultant for many years and I've been a part of designing and coordinating wedding ceremonies in all types of settings and the majority of these weddings were Christian (85%) and were joyfully performed by Christian ministers with the full attendance of church members, other church leadership and as well as the Bishops over many of the churches represented.

One of my most beautiful weddings was in a school gym which I was able to transform into a beautiful chapel setting. It was originally planned as a garden wedding, but it rained and a nearby school was gracious to offer the use of their gym. It was beautiful and the presence of the Lord was there in all of His glory.

My son's wedding which I also organized was held at a local playhouse and the dark stage was transformed into a beautiful wedding scene with my personal equipment and designs...all Christian; all anointed; all inspired of the Lord.

I've organized CHRISTIAN weddings in hotel ballrooms, mansions, arenas, and yes even my daughter's wedding was held in a hotel. A hotel which was also used for Church services by our Pastor.

God is everywhere we invite and welcome Him to be. Even in a courthouse. Why not? If the couple honors God in their hearts, why would God abandon them at the time they have chosen to become one. In marriage, you can always be assured that God is there in His fullness, with angels in full attendance, Jesus standing in fulll agreement and the Holy Spirit leading with the fullness of His truth.

God blesses marriage...Period! No matter who or where, God blesses what He has ordained. People put too much into pompous attitudes and appearances. We have to remember that the real Church is 'us', not the building, but 'us', the living breathing Church that Jesus bled and died for and has betrothed as His Bride.

Forget what people's traditions dictate. Hold dear in your heart, that God loves marriage and He honors it no matter where it occurs. For again, the real Church is within us..our hearts and there isn't a thing that anyone can say or do to dispute it. A building cannot define the sacredness of whom God joins together. It's the coming together of a man and woman under God that makes a marriage what it is...sacred forever.

BTW: Jesus spent much of His time by the sea. He'll be there at your wedding... ;).