Writing To GOD


New Member
Hey yall,

This is yall gurl Nessa....all the newbies may not know me, but other people from the begining remember me. I just want to post what i wrote to Nonie and what she replied back to me, i hope she doesn't mind. After you read this, can you please give me your feedback and other experiences......

This is what i wrote to her:But you know, i have boy problems. Boys still talk about me, but i am not going to give full worry about it. There's another thing at hand.
I write a journal because my very wise friend who is a year younger than me....knows alot....she is quiet and quiet people observe....I already ask her lots of questions but i don't wanna be bothering her with it.
This boy Amiko is so into my mind. I don't feel any way the same as the boys i used to like. This is why I am so happy that he is someone I like.
First of all his dad is from Rivers State and his mom is from Yoraba! And all this time my mom and dad wants me to try to find a man in Nigeria. He's a junior, and is known where to the point people know him. It's koo that he's reserved and a BIG PLUS, guess what? the boy can dress! Dude is so fresh from his jerseys to his tees. I thought he was straight up black( african american) the way he acts, he's real quiet. He's nigerian i could get married to him... he's finally someone who is taller than me. He goes out with someone right now.
But right now we are koo with each other. I mean we say hey, we talk a little bit. But he plays varsity basketball, so me and him playing basketball, we could get closer there. I juss wanna have his phone number, but i am not to the point of confidence to tell him that. But i don't think that he would like me anyway. Because everyone is like he is really nice, but i don't think he would think i am pretty of ugly..i wanna be friends wit me, so that he can like me because of my personality...
but get this....what does it mean if i was coming through a hallway, and Amiko had his arm around his girlfriend talking to her. Then he takes his arm when he sees me and feels uncomfortable. He knows I know he gotta gurlfriend. Plus i don't think he would take his arms out if it was a teacher......so i don't know....
He is nice, and confident, and so fine, he is popular, KOOL WITH EVERYONE, and i am so nieve thinking we are ment to be together because we are both Nigerian...... what do you think? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING YOU THINK.......


This is what she wrote to me:
Girl, tell God. I'm serious. Write God a letter explaining all you explained to me. Tell Him how you feel and how much you care for Amiko. And tell God that if there's a reason He feels Amiko isn't right for you, to help you see it too...and be OK with it. Then trust God FULLY.

I got married last year. I married the man I asked God for. I didn't know him when I wrote God a letter. I just described the sort of guy I wanted. Then I met a dude I liked. It wasn't until months into the relationship that I came across my letter and realized
he was EXACTLY what I had written in my letter.

Ask God to give you patience, and then start hanging out with God. Ask God to make you the best Nessa you can be. Sometimes God holds back things we like because we're obsessing. When we obsess, we make things idols that we worship. Sometimes God will withhold those good things till we make Him the most important thing we worship. So trust Him fully and know that He knows what you like. He knows your heart. He knows the sort of guy that will make you happiest...looks, dressing, personality. If it's Amiko, He'll make it happen. So tell Him you want Amiko, then be open for what He decides for you. In the end, you'll be oh so happy.

Good luck, my Sweet. Keep me posted, OK?

I thought that was very deep, and i am going to do that when i get off.....
Okay I am really mad that seven people read this but didn't reply......but that's okay let me not get that mad
Hey Nessa! Good to hear from you!

I think Nonie gave you good advice. I'm African too and I know about what a lot of traditional African parents may expect from their children considering a mate, but I think you just need to give it time. The letter thing is cool; I have list of things I would like for my future husband to be. None of it is shallow, for example, I'm not asking for him to be tall, a certain skin color or anything like that, I just want a man who is God-fearing, hard-working, ambitious and who loves me. Just a few of the things I want. But as for you young lady, I really think that you should just focus on school and try to get to know Amiko as a friend. Sometimes, when we place people or things on such a pedastal, we overlook major red flags. Just get to know him as a person and everything else should fall into place. And for everything you do, consult God first. You can never go wrong.
I write God all the time especially while at work. ANd he does answer sometimes even before I am finished writing.
Hi Nessa,

Nonie's a great lady and she gave you great advice. Please tell her I said "HI."

Nessa, I'm so proud of you for being a young woman that seeks God in her decisions. I cannot tell you how touched I am about that. You're the bomb little lady!
Nessa, I don't have time to read it tonight, but I'll read it tomorrow and reply. How have you been doing?
I have been doing fine, Miss J? HOw have you been doing? Okay super gurl i will tell NOnie that....
I'm good, too, and that was very good advice from nonie. Pray on it and let God send the right boy for you. If it's Amiko, then good, if not then it'll be someone better for you than Amiko. And for the record, I think he removed his arm from around his girlfriend, because he probably knows that you like him.
I don't mean to hijack, i'm interested in this writing to God...

If I write, will he answer back? I know it sounds stupid, but, does he answer, and how? What if I just want answers? Questions to why certain things happen to me, and how I can fix them?

I'm going to write anyway, to see what happens....

One last question, how soon do you know your letter is working?
me too, i asked those same questions and everything....and MissJ....right.....you are right.....yeah he knew...
So, what's going on now? Are you two still cool and are you hanging out with God? Hope school is going well for ya.
Everything that Nonie wrote in her letter is beautiful and true. It's just hard to see when you're not focused on God. Nessa you are going to have a wonderful man who will love you for you b/c YOU are a beautiful person inside and out. You have a wonderful support system so just make sure that you are following the advise and being open to what God has for you, even if it's not necessarily what you think you want. God bless you.
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I miss Nonie. :( She is so on point. Nessa, I have talked with you in the past offline under my former alias. You need to focus on loving you. Looks are not everything. I use to think looks were so important. Looks are important for superficial reasons. If a man only wants me for the way I look than I don't want him. I will not always look the same. Looks are not really important, it's the person on the inside that counts. My fear is that you will look to others to build you up. You need to look in the mirror and say I am beautiful. You need to learn to love yourself so you can feel worthy of good love. I am selectively single. I meet men all the time but I should to be solo right now. I am worthy of great love therefore I will wait on the right man. I will wait on a man that will adore me and treat me like a queen. I will wait on a man who knows himself and doesn't want to rely financially on a woman.
Chanteuse thank you though...... but yeah i think i need to be more focused on the Lord...Well Country Gal..........I have came to the point where I am looking for others to build my self esteem.....I know it's kind of stupid of me or anything, even when long time ago, i was telling you about me and everythang, it was like I was seeking for you guys to higher me up. And from all of that, I still find myself low........I have a huge issue though..... I mean I am trying to love myself....but i can't even do that. It's so hard, i don't know what to do. It's going to get to the point, where I cannot bear it anymore and something will happen.... But besides that I have been doing good, I mean to everybody I appear confident...but i am not what i seem..
Nessa said:
Okay I am really mad that seven people read this but didn't reply......but that's okay let me not get that mad

I do believe that your letter to GOD will work for you..
I mean..even if you dont want to write it just pray to him about it.
Believe me I have been through somethings..
from being depressed at work, not having any money, or a good job.
God will always listen to you if you actually talk to him.
The important thing is, is to have patience.

Take care
Chanteuse said:
Everything that Nonie wrote in her letter is beautiful and true. It's just hard to see when you're not focused on God. Nessa you are going to have a wonderful man who will love you for you b/c YOU are a beautiful person inside and out. You have a wonderful support system so just make sure that you are following the advise and being open to what God has for you, even if it's not necessarily what you think you want. God bless you.

I believe this for her too..but i think she said she doesnt love herself..
i think she needs to hang out with GOD and herself some MORE before finding a man to love her.
dont you?
Nonie gives great advice...please tell her hi for me too, miss seeing her around....... writing a letter to God is an excellent idea....
Country gal said:
I miss Nonie. :( She is so on point. Nessa, I have talked with you in the past offline under my former alias. You need to focus on loving you. Looks are not everything. I use to think looks were so important. Looks are important for superficial reasons. If a man only wants me for the way I look than I don't want him. I will not always look the same. Looks are not really important, it's the person on the inside that counts. My fear is that you will look to others to build you up. You need to look in the mirror and say I am beautiful. You need to learn to love yourself so you can feel worthy of good love. I am selectively single. I meet men all the time but I should to be solo right now. I am worthy of great love therefore I will wait on the right man. I will wait on a man that will adore me and treat me like a queen. I will wait on a man who knows himself and doesn't want to rely financially on a woman.

I couldnt have said it better :-)
Nonie gave you excellent advice. I would only add to becareful because you have feelings for him and its a fine line to walk befriending him solely for friendship and befriending him with an eye toward eventually having him as your man. Its very important you respect their relationship and more importantly that HE respect their relationship. You would never be able to trust him if you got together while he was still with his girlfriend. Once they have a clean break hes fair game, but until then, dont stir up emotions or put yourself in situations that would compromise his current relationship. Put yourself in your shoes and conduct yourself as you would want someone else to conduct themselves in the presence of your man.