
How do you style your hair at night?

  • Wrap

    Votes: 111 40.8%
  • Pin Curls

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Rollers

    Votes: 16 5.9%
  • No "style" just a bonnet or scarf on my head

    Votes: 74 27.2%
  • Baggie (whole head)

    Votes: 16 5.9%
  • Baggie (ends only)

    Votes: 19 7.0%
  • Other: please describe

    Votes: 18 6.6%

  • Total voters
i'm struggling with this myself. i usually wrap my hair and cover with a satin scarf. but this leaves my hair too flat and i end up using my flat irons to add some fullness. my hair isn't long enough yet to bun....although i'm trying to get there...
I mostly wrap my hair and then tie it down with a satin scarf. If my hair is more greasy or full of new growth, I'll bun it, baggy the ends, and put on my scarf or bonnet.
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Re: Wraps!? AKA how do you keep your hair at NIGHT!?

supasmilez said:
Hey ladies!

I was wondering how you care for your hair at night? I know most of y'all use satin bonnets, scarves, or pillows, but what your 'style' underneathe it all?! Do you wrap your hair at night or 'style' it some other way?

Recently wrapping has felt like too much manipulation and I've been concerned with breakage that the combing may cause.
What size comb are you using? I just ask because if you use a wide tooth comb you shouldn't have issues with breakage or feel like you are manipulating your hair too much. I actually do pin curls sometimes in addition to wrapping. Do you use pins when you wrap to hold the hair in place?
When I used to relax my hair, I wrapped it at night. However, I hated how it made my hair flat and reduced the amount of 'bounce' my hair had. Plus it would make my hair frame my face, rather than lay nicely on my shoulders...hard to explain that.

But, often I would be too tired to wrap my hair, and I also hated removing the bobby pins in the morning and seeing the indentations it left on my hair. So I tried different methods. I usually just pinned my hair under and placed a scarf on my head...then when I woke up I would still have some bounce and my hair would 'flow'...not look like I just removed the wrap.

Plus all of the combing, or pulling/pushing the hair around the head would break off my ends....:mad:
I normally wear 2 satin rollers in the back to keep some "bump" and then wrap everything down with one of these:


I like the ones that say they have conditioner infused in them. I am nto sure about that, but those always smell good.

This wrap always moves around while I am sleeping and I started getting some thinning in one spot over time so I started putting on a regular bandana scarf on top of it to keep it in place. I noticed just a month later that the breakage stopped and that area started getting longer.
Re: Wraps!? AKA how do you keep your hair at NIGHT!?

Monilove122 said:
What size comb are you using? I just ask because if you use a wide tooth comb you shouldn't have issues with breakage or feel like you are manipulating your hair too much. I actually do pin curls sometimes in addition to wrapping. Do you use pins when you wrap to hold the hair in place?

I actually use a wide tooth comb...I guess I'm just paranoid, lol :lachen:! But, it's usally when I'm 6+ weeks post relaxer I get nervous. B/c my NG comes in THICK and I get scared to do any combing! So lately I'm just been leaving it down and putting a dorag on my hair at night which flattens all the POOF...so I look less poodle-ish. :)

Honeydew, I always see that scarf at the BSS, but I always thought it would have some sticky gew on the inside. :grin: I guess not!
i wrap my hair at night. i would like to stop wrapping because i feel it causes too much manipulation. i tried tucking it under but my hair would always enda up a mess. i would love to do the cross wrap or sylver2's method but I don't have enough hair.
pistachio said:
Well, I wrap my hair, then but a hair net over it, then a satin bonnet, but I voted for 'Wrap".

Where do you find those hair nets?? I see ppl with them, but I can never find them. Right now, I cover my hair with one of those mesh wrap things with the velcro, then a scarf, but I would rather use the net.
I'm doing the whole head baggy, loving this! I do a cross wrap in the back (regardless of whether I'm bunning or doing a roll, I never sleep with my hair in a pony tail).

I will also try the baggy and see how it works on a braidout.
Right now I'm on the baggying challenge and using a quick weave/fall so I'm braiding my hair. Or I have used sponge rollers and I also tie up with a satin bonnet. I am going to try bantu knots and perm rods pretty soon. I also I used to wrap religiously but noticed one side growing more quickly than the other and one side of my edges getting thinner.
I religiously wrapped for years. After joining LHCF, I realized that wrapping thinned my edges and kept the front of my hair short. Now, I put on a bonnet or sleep in the raw (satin pillow case only) and bun my hair in the morning. Buns aren't the cutest on me but it protects my edges.
I picked baggie ends, but I do different things, like cornrows for a braidout, bantu knots, I baggy the ends if I'm going to put it in a bun the next morning, and I recently tried a crosswrap but with whatever style I chose... I aways wear my silk scarf at night.

I found out about the crosswrap from KhandiB.
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This thread was right on time because I just had to cease with the baggying wet a last week because my hair became TOO soft, like mushy.

So, I just recently went back to litely misting my hair, moisturizing, wrapping my hair and tie with a raw silk scarf (I made from a Neiman Marcus dress) and then covering with a terry cloth swimmers cap (it makes me look cute when I go to bed).
Re: Wraps!? AKA how do you keep your hair at NIGHT!?

LocksOfLuV said:
Yep! I cross wrap when I am wearing my hair flat-ironed. It's an easy safe alternative to wrapping.

But when I am bunning, I add a baggie to the ends, cover with my silk scarf and call it a night!

What is crosswrapping?
I keep my hair in 6 plaits all of the time, including nights...sounds cute huh?:rolleyes: I wear half wigs during the day so that's why my hair is always in plaits.
The cheap-o "satin" scarves, bonnets, etc. that you get at the BSS, are often times made of a blended material and not really silk or satin. I know pure silk is expensive, but here's a tip:
THey sell real silk/satin bonnets at Publix. Look in the hair isle where you find the "white" products and hair accessories, such as combs, brushes and scrunchies. You should find it somewhere in between there. Its made by Goody. The problem with the cheap stuff is that moisture seeps out through the little holes and eventually, your hair will break off if you don't baggy regular. But with this bonnet, there are no little holes because its pure satin, not poly-blend. Just a little help.
I wrap my hair EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, and i have been for years. What's wrong with wrapping?? I read something about thin edges and short hair in the front, please do tell... I may need to know if i'm doing damage. :perplexed