Wrapping vs. Protective Style


New Member
I've been wash and set and wrapping my hair by the Dominican. I wrap it every night and put HotSix Oil and S-curl moisturizer daily. I get usual daily shedding. Should I just start putting in a bun daily. How do you put it in a protective style bun.
What will achieve more growth.
Well I brought one of those bun thingies from Sally's but I dont have enough hair for it yet BUT I think a lot of people create their own or buy that, you can do a search and find a lot more info on it
for me, protective styling (ie, the bun) achieves more growth than wrapping and wearing my hair down. i don't do anything fancy. after moisturizing, i put my hair in a ponytail, braid and fold it. then i cover it with a baggie, cutoff stocking and drawstring ponytail. i've been doing this for a couple of years with great results.
Do you think all these vitamins are too much. I'm taking 1000 mg MSM and Ultra Nourish Hair and Centrum daily. My hair is still falling out though. I'm very stressed with school and it could be the difference.