Wrapping questions


New Member
When I got my hair mildly relaxed (texturized) a few weeks ago, the hairdresser wrapped my hair and set it under the dryer after taking it out of rollers. She tried to explain how I could do it nightly, but I couldn't figure out how to wrap the that night - and I really tried.
For one thing, she didn't use ANY pins or clips - I think it was held in place with oil (?) and then she used a doorag.

So anyway, my questions are:

- how long did it take you to learn how to wrap your hair (mine is about shoulder length in the back)

- do you use pins or clips, and if you do, don't they pull or rip your hair at night? That's what I'm most concerned about - my hair is very fine-textured, and I'm afraid metal pins would damage my hair.

Thanks in advance.

Shoulder-length, texturized 4a/4b hair
i learned it in one day by watching my ex-stylist wrap it. i dont use pins or clips, i smooth it into place with my hands and then cover with a wrap cap/bonnet.
it didnt take me too long to learn how to wrap my hair. But as I learned different ways to do wraps, I've gotten better and better at it. The best way for me the wrap is posted in Allandra's Wrapping Hair Page http://members.tripod.com/~my_hair1/iwantlonghair5-wrapping.html
I sometimes use the roller on top but most of the time I do not. I have never used pins in my hair; my hair usually blends together if the ends aren't stubborned or frizzy. My hair is thin/fine textured as well and sometimes wrapping can thin out my hair even more so I try to avoid wrapping as much as possible. I either wear rollers or do a scrunchi bun (something I learned just recently from kitchen_tician's album)...
Hope that helps.
Re: Wrapping questions for Jade

If you ask your stylist she will show you how to wrap your hair. When you go in watch her in the mirror. When I go in she wraps me and she never uses pins. I prefer without pins myself, after a while you'll get the hang of it. Will you be going back the my stylist?