Wrapping- one side of hair sticking up?


New Member
Is it just me or when you get up and take out your wrap from the night, is one side of your hair completely sticking like straight up
I solved this by wrapping that side in the other direction while I get ready, but I was just wondering because I've never heard anyone mention this before.
I have noticed that, but I also notice that when I take down my wrap (I wrap to the right), the right side of my hair will be curved under and the left side will be straight out.
I have noticed that, and thanks for the suggestion as to solving the problem. I had been slightly bending it with a warm curling iron.
Now I have a non-heat solution!!!!
I get this too which is highly annoying. I wrap clockwise and when I let the hair down the left side is sticking up more than the other side. To alleviate this, at night just before sleeping I wrap in the opposite direction to stop my hairline gettting used to the same direction and 'freshen' up the hair each time it's let down.

I'll prolly try the re wrapping in other direction while getting dressed in the morning for times when the 'stick up' is too much to bear.
I do remember this and there was a thread about this.
Sherrylove had asked a similiar question. Some people prescribed a different methos in which you wrap towards the back but I cant remeber how to do it though.
I used to get this but found the solution. You have to wrap in the direction that your hair demands. For me, I have to wrap left to right or the right side will stick up.