Wrapping Hair is... BAD??


New Member
I've heard a couple of things about wrapping being bad for your hair but I just want everyone else's opinion. I wrap my hair to the left, AND the left side of my hair (the hair thats in the back of my head when I sleep) is thinner and shorter and weaker. And the right side of my hair is STRONG, healthy and beautiful... oh, and much longer!! Do you think this has an effect? If so, If I don't wrap my hair, what in the world do I do with it at night???


Okay, I just posted a picture below for you to see. This was my hair back in January. As you can see, the right side of my hair was significantly thinner. This is the result of 10+ years of wrapping. I was wrapping my hair, clockwise/to the right, since first pressing my hair senior year of high school. I never knew any other way to sleep with my hair, and I thought this was the best thing for it.

Wrapping, per say, is not a "bad" thing. However, if you are a nightly wrapper (like I was) then you need to alternate wrapping on both sides. One night, wrap to the left, the other night, wrap to the right. This way one side isnt getting overly stressed/thin.

In the last year (and since joining this board) i have stopped wrapping my hair. I am just no longer interested in wrapping it, because I dont like how straight/flat it makes my hair look. I find that it looks better in the morning when I sleep with a loose bun (and satin scarf or bonnet) or pin curl it. I think this is just because my hair has gotten longer, and I prefer that it have more body. And wrapping it, even after a nice roller set, takes away most of that volume/body.

Oh, and fyi, that right side has since regained most of its thickness/fullness, and i believe that is a result of overall health care (ie, moisturizing, healthy diet, protecting ends, avoiding direct heat) as well as mtg, which helped to thicken the hair shaft overall.



I feel like if I don't wrap it and put a loose bun it will be bent in some weird way or something and in the morning it would look a wreck. Can you PM me exact details on how you do this?? Because I actually am tired of flat hair as well. The thing is that I NEVER do my hair... so I just have no clue what things are except bobby pins and grease!! So I'm slowly learning. I would love some bounce and volume!! I just dont know how to achieve that look!

Thanks hun!!

i refer to myself as the mad wrapper :mad:

for years i wore my hair halle berry short...and when it would grow out, i'd begin to wrap it. it would be ok for awhile, but then - like you, i noticed thinning and breakage. especially in the back where the scarf wrapped around my head and tied.

it would be so severe, that i'd have to cut it and start all over again. now i dont blame my breakage solely on my wrapping, but it didnt help much either.
EbonyPerez said:

I feel like if I don't wrap it and put a loose bun it will be bent in some weird way or something and in the morning it would look a wreck. Can you PM me exact details on how you do this?? Because I actually am tired of flat hair as well. The thing is that I NEVER do my hair... so I just have no clue what things are except bobby pins and grease!! So I'm slowly learning. I would love some bounce and volume!! I just dont know how to achieve that look!

Thanks hun!!


Actually you are right.... when i bun it, the ends are usually not straight and instead I do get some weird/awkward bend. I havent figured out how to sleep properly yet, to achieve the fullness that i like, yet without having my ends flip outward. Im still experimenting with this.... I guess im just not used to having armpit length hair yet, because its kind of tricky.

However, since i wear buns most of the time (nearly every single day) I havent really spent too much time trying to perfect the way I protect my hair at night. I guess once I reach my ultimate goal (mid-back length) and I allow myself to wear my hair out more, I will have to figure out some way to finagle this.
SummerRain said:
i refer to myself as the mad wrapper :mad:

for years i wore my hair halle berry short...and when it would grow out, i'd begin to wrap it. it would be ok for awhile, but then - like you, i noticed thinning and breakage. especially in the back where the scarf wrapped around my head and tied.

it would be so severe, that i'd have to cut it and start all over again. now i dont blame my breakage solely on my wrapping, but it didnt help much either.

:lol: @ the mad wrapper. I hear that, girl.
I just realized that the mohawk rollerset is the bomb. This young lady on the diaspora haircare website named foxybrown has a pic. After a rollerset I tried it and it's great. Some of the girls on here does it too. AT first I thought it was hard but it is simple.hth:)
Its certainly has different effects on people.
I myself have never had any problems with wrapping.
My hair is very thick though.
I have been wrapping my hair to one side only for over 15 years straight every single night. Nothing bad ever happened to my hair as a result of that. I stopped wrapping only because I didn't want to have to comb my hair everyday.
People who has thinning hair or edges, I would not recommend wrapping.
I wouldn't recommend u wrap yours anymore.
I never do my hair either. I leave it out, put on a scarf with the back hanging out, put on a bonnet over the back and go to bed. I wake up and hair is just like it was and I just go.
Well Slap Me and Call Me BoomSHika cuz that sure explains ALOT!!!

I have very thick hair as well, and although I do notice breakage around my edge area, my right side is kinda behind my left side and now I know why :lol:
Like sylver, I've never had problems from wrapping and my hair is no where near as thick as hers. I can't help but think it's they way some people wrap - like using a fine tooth comb or tying down really tightly - that causes breakage. I wrap using my fingers and tie my scarf very loosely. This method also results in more body, and less pin straight hair.
luvSLave said:
Like sylver, I've never had problems from wrapping and my hair is no where near as thick as hers. I can't help but think it's they way some people wrap - like using a fine tooth comb or tying down really tightly - that causes breakage. I wrap using my fingers and tie my scarf very loosely. This method also results in more body, and less pin straight hair.

I feel that if you must wrap it this is the best way. You could also
1. make a loose bun and bobby pin it
2.Braid it in 4-6 large braids or twists (preferred method) Loose twists will actually lessen the chance of having a "braid-out" look
3. start with the ends and fold it over your hand and clip it (think a horizontal french bun)
and then put your scarf over it, or silk bonnet(preferred choice) Your head does not need all the pressure of having a scarf tied to your head overnight. HTH
KhandiB said:
Well Slap Me and Call Me BoomSHika cuz that sure explains ALOT!!!

I have very thick hair as well, and although I do notice breakage around my edge area, my right side is kinda behind my left side and now I know why :lol:

mmhmm girl
it was actually i believe sweetwifey's fotki that pointed this all out to me
i just dont know what to do
now that im typing on a different page i completely forgot who mentioned the mohawk curling thing??!?:lachen:
how is that done? im sooo clueless
Good Look, Loose Bun, Im bun challenged, can you explain that one.. sorry if I sound elementary right now :lol:

Suri said:
I feel that if you must wrap it this is the best way. You could also
1. make a loose bun and bobby pin it
2.Braid it in 4-6 large braids or twists (preferred method) Loose twists will actually lessen the chance of having a "braid-out" look
3. start with the ends and fold it over your hand and clip it (think a horizontal french bun)
and then put your scarf over it, or silk bonnet(preferred choice) Your head does not need all the pressure of having a scarf tied to your head overnight. HTH
KHandiB has pics of what she calls a "crosswrap" in her fotki. Though I never got around to perfecting it, it looks like it wouldn't create so much tension to do. And it looks like you could achieve that smoothness you get with a wrap.
Wrapping was my thing until recently...I have hypothyroidism and for those who have it you pretty much are stuck with thin hair. I also had a thinning hairline w/nape hair that was disappearing. My stylist of 14 years noticed the thinning and lack of body on the right side, so after 6 years of medium length hair I went back to my short graduated bob. I reworked my hair regimen to allow me only to wet wrap my hair after washing to get it straight,air dry, and then caruso roller set my hair wrapping it just for 2 hrs until my hair took shape. A night I tie a silk scarf around my head to keep the top and side flat and leave the back out. I make sure I sleep on a satin pillowcase. When I wake up I don't even have to spot curl it. Also since I don't have medium length hair anymore and don't keep pulling my hair back in a ponytail the hairline is now growing back.
i cant do a bun either
unless im doing a ponytail and just pull it thru
and thats not really a BUN bun
so how is it done
without all the million hairs sticking straight out?
or is that just me?

KhandiB said:
Good Look, Loose Bun, Im bun challenged, can you explain that one.. sorry if I sound elementary right now :lol:
Welcome Ebony! I used to wrap every night too. Now I do the mowhawk rollerset instead. It is really, really easy to do and leaves your hair with lots of body and a cute little bend at the ends.

All you need is: 3 or 4 jumbo rollers, 3 or 4 metal roller clips or long bobby pins,a comb and scarf.

First you comb all your hair back. Using a comb make 3 (or 4) horizontal parts from ear to ear and section off each. You roll each section, 1 at a time , the entire section on 1 roller and secure with the metal clip or bobby pin. Do the same for the remaining sections. When done all the rollers should be stacked on on top of the other like a mohawk. Tie with a scarf and you are done. In the am, take of the scarf and rollers, spray a little oil sheen and finger comb into place. Works like a charm!

I have pics in my album but only of the end result.

wrapping totally annihilated my hair.:cry3: That and the million other terrible things I was doing to it :lol: No wrappy wrap for me. :nono:
EbonyPerez said:
i cant do a bun either
unless im doing a ponytail and just pull it thru
and thats not really a BUN bun
so how is it done
without all the million hairs sticking straight out?
or is that just me?

The key to a stylish bun is to start with a ponytail (only wrap the elastic once or twice) then finger comb the ponytail in all directions (and tease if you want a fuller bun) Make sure you have a defined center to your bun. Then gather the hair clockwise making sure to tuck the ends in. You tuck the ends with either bobby pins or a second elastic wrap.

But beware of placing your bun in the same place everytime or pulling too tight or aggressively as it will thin the hair. HTH
sylver2 said:
Its certainly has different effects on people.
I myself have never had any problems with wrapping.
My hair is very thick though.
I have been wrapping my hair to one side only for over 15 years straight every single night. Nothing bad ever happened to my hair as a result of that. I stopped wrapping only because I didn't want to have to comb my hair everyday.
People who has thinning hair or edges, I would not recommend wrapping.
I wouldn't recommend u wrap yours anymore.
I never do my hair either. I leave it out, put on a scarf with the back hanging out, put on a bonnet over the back and go to bed. I wake up and hair is just like it was and I just go.
OT: Your hair is so long and gorgeous in your latest avatar,Sylver2. Wow! :shocked:
Isis said:
OT: Your hair is so long and gorgeous in your latest avatar,Sylver2. Wow! :shocked:

I know u ain't talking oh Ms Beautiful Head of Hair lady...but thank u :D and I sooo appreciate you for your comments and your support, it makes me :grin:
KhandiB said:
Good Look, Loose Bun, Im bun challenged, can you explain that one.. sorry if I sound elementary right now :lol:

With your fingers comb your hair back and position your hands pulling it towards a ponytail (as if you were about to put a rubberband on it) instead twist it around,looping over your starting point once,and twice (depending on how long your hair is) and bobby pin (using maybe 4-5 pins) around the bun you've made with your own hair. While you're looping to make the pseudo bun, you can use two fingers to hold the spot.
I hope this is clear.
Sometimes the hair does loosenen throughout the night,if that's a problem then pull the hair tighter (not tight). If you don't mind using an ouchless band to pony your hair and then loosely bun that, it's worth a try. I have never tried it like that. HTH
I haven't wrapped my hair in like three years. Besides it always came out too flat after I wrapped it anyway and I was frying to death with the curling iron daily. I just throw my hair up in a loose bun with a scrunchie and I find my hair has more body than it did with all that wrapping. Besides you couldn't pay me top dollar to comb my hair while it's dry anymore or brush it. That just causes more manipulation and breakage for me.
I am a faithful wrapper and I have never had the problem with thinning. Sorry you are dealing with this.

Mad Hair Wrapper. lol. I love that!!
simplycee said:
Welcome Ebony! I used to wrap every night too. Now I do the mowhawk rollerset instead. It is really, really easy to do and leaves your hair with lots of body and a cute little bend at the ends.

All you need is: 3 or 4 jumbo rollers, 3 or 4 metal roller clips or long bobby pins,a comb and scarf.

First you comb all your hair back. Using a comb make 3 (or 4) horizontal parts from ear to ear and section off each. You roll each section, 1 at a time , the entire section on 1 roller and secure with the metal clip or bobby pin. Do the same for the remaining sections. When done all the rollers should be stacked on on top of the other like a mohawk. Tie with a scarf and you are done. In the am, take of the scarf and rollers, spray a little oil sheen and finger comb into place. Works like a charm!

I have pics in my album but only of the end result.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------This looks like something I might want to try out. Thanks for sharing. (but it doesnt look that easy):perplexed
I had the same problem w/ wrapping so I had to stop doing it. I can only wrap from right to left(I'm all thumbs trying to do it from left to right) and my right temple area is thinner. I'm thinking this could have something to do with it. I sleep several different ways now, depending on my mood. Sometimes a loose bun secured w/ bobby pins. Sometimes I put my hair in a low ponytail and do one big pincurl over top of the ponytail and pin it w/ bobby pins. This gives my hair a bend like I bumped it w/ the curling iron. If I want my hair straight I will put it in a ponytail and "band" it all the way down with rubber bands and sleep like that. It comes out straight with no bend. HTH
I want to try the mohawk rollers... but I'm afraid I would have a difficult time sleeping with rollers in my hair.
Hmmm.. I think I got it kinda :lol:

Suri said:
With your fingers comb your hair back and position your hands pulling it towards a ponytail (as if you were about to put a rubberband on it) instead twist it around,looping over your starting point once,and twice (depending on how long your hair is) and bobby pin (using maybe 4-5 pins) around the bun you've made with your own hair. While you're looping to make the pseudo bun, you can use two fingers to hold the spot.
I hope this is clear.
Sometimes the hair does loosenen throughout the night,if that's a problem then pull the hair tighter (not tight). If you don't mind using an ouchless band to pony your hair and then loosely bun that, it's worth a try. I have never tried it like that. HTH