wrapping hair and bed time routine.

Tara G.

New Member
hey ladies,

two things:

1) i wrap my hair every night..from right side to left but when i wake in the morning the left side of my hair doesnt lie as flat as the right side....it kinda sticks out.I spoke to my hairdresser and she gave me a tip to make my hair lie flatter on left side, it works but not as well as anticipated.anyone got any tips???

2)also whts the best way of sleeping with your hair as i was reading some wrapping threads and people seemed to have bad views abt it...i could never see my self roller setting..ive tried and im really bad at it.links or anything wld be appreciated.

looking forward to ur advice.thanks.
Sorry Tara I never wrapped before but my old college roomate did so every night she always applied a leave in then wrapped and duckbill pinned her 'bad' side afterwards she applied her wrap guard and front tied her silk scarf with medium to firm tension. Have you tried alternating your wrap directions? HtH keep this thread bumped up so when the Vets wake up they could help you more.:) :) :)
hi whats a wrap guard?
also ive tried wrapping in the opposite direction but found it quite hard,as this is not the natural direction of my hair.thanks for bumping !!
I'm sorry already late for work so I can't look for a picture of it now, but a wrap guard is like that rectangular shaped silk or sometimes foam holder with velcro at the ends placed on top of the wrap to hold the shape its old as all get out, and its proabably called something else. You can find them everywhere, any BSS..its usually along with slumber caps, scarfs and such.
alundra said:
I gave up with the regular wrap. I now use the cross wrap. Since I have really thick hair, it gets my hair nice and flat. :) It also doesn't pull on your hair as much, and sometimes you can finger comb it. (For some reason, I can't. :lol:)

Here's a thread on it:


Alundra, thanks for linking to this thread. I have been wondering for weeks what the cross wrap was. It looks simple to do, with less stress on the hair. I'll try it. I'm never really thrilled with the way my hair looks with the regular wrap. I am more of a curly girl, but sometimes I like a simpler style. I will try this one.