Wrapping: Does anyone else experience this?


New Member
One side is nicely bumped under/straight...the other side flips out and wont curl under. :confused: Suggestions??? Right now I've been using magnetic rollers on the flipped out side after I comb my wrap out. Maybe my hair is too short to wrap right now? Could i just wear the satin scarf w/o the wrap and still protect my ends?
ALWAYZ i just told u how my hair be doin that: i don't understand: sometimes I also get scarf dents: i cross wrap occassionaly but my hair is getting longer w/ my uneven ends which makes it difficult to pin correctly. please help me out: i rollerset then wrap: even wen I don't rollerset my right side till flips the other way
This happens to me all of the time, usually after I am 4 weeks post relaxer I cannot get my hair to wrap correctly. My hair can only be wrapped correctly for up to 3-4 weeks after a fresh relaxer. I dont understand why it begins acting up after this though.
I stopped wrapping my hair because of this. I have crazy cowlicks in that area and I just thought it was from that. I usually just blowdry, flat iron, then tuck my hair behind my ears at night when I put my scarf on. If someone comes up with a solution please let me know!
I think length plays a big role in the way the hair looks when wrapping as well. I have noticed that the longer my hair gets the less noticeable the flipped in area has become.
Yes this is why I really dont wrap my hair, I usually wear a bonnet. I agree with o0oShamo0o it may have alot to do with length...however, at the same time I know people whose hair is around the same length and they wrap their hair and it comes out fine:confused:. I dont know...ill just stick to what i know.
I used to have the same problem, but over time...I guess from only rollersetting and wrapping, it just fell into place one day I don't wrap it too tight so that it will still have some of the body from the roller set. I think over time after your hair gets used to the wrap it will fall into place. I know you want the straight look w/o the heat. Whatever you do, don't bump the ends with heat as that will defeat the purpose of our goal.

Ladies do this...try the saran wrap method and make sure your hair is completely smooth all the way around when you do it. Macherieamour had it in her video tutorial. Let me know the outcome. We might have to call in more seasoned help if it does not work.
I also think Sham may be on to something not that I think about it. When my hair was at my neck, that is when I had this issue.
Mine did this ALOT when it was shoulder length :perplexed. A coworker of mine who happens to be a cosmetologist told me to switch sides that you wrap....train your hair to bump the 'other' way.

I tried this for a couple nights (which was uncomfortable, since I wrapped to the right for YEARS)...and the funky flip stopped :D. Now that my hair is a bit longer I don't experience this anymore. HTH
Cleve_gryl said:
Mine did this ALOT when it was shoulder length :perplexed. A coworker of mine who happens to be a cosmetologist told me to switch sides that you wrap....train your hair to bump the 'other' way.

I tried this for a couple nights (which was uncomfortable, since I wrapped to the right for YEARS)...and the funky flip stopped :D. Now that my hair is a bit longer I don't experience this anymore. HTH

So while my hair is shorter, do you think I should alternate the sides that I wrap?
Yes, if you wrap in the same direction all the time time to alternate and wrap the other direction a few times a week. Or, try wrapping the other direction for a whole week. This should help it lay right for you.
:( same thing happens to me. Thats why I dont wrap.
One side is straight and curls under and the other side gets flipped up and have crinkles in it.
When I did wrap, I would experience this. It did not bother me beacuse my hair looked cute in a quirky way.
i hate this phenomenon. i have shorter hair and begin to take large sections and do loose pin curls. they are often better than the wrap but can come out messy if you do them too tightly. so practice is key.
I'm glad somebody started a thread on this bc I have felt so done wrong by my doo rags when my hair comes out like this. It's like it doesn't matter how much styling and rollersetting I did on my hair, when I comb it out it be lookin' all funky and stuff!

For a while I wasn't wrapping, I was just combing my hair back and going to sleep, but as my hair grew, the length of my hair would come out funny. So I will definitely try alternating wraps and see how that works because I've been wrapping to the one side like forever!

It sure will be weird to wrap to the other side. But I definitely will try.
My hair does this too. I wrapped for years prior and my hair never did it. However the past 5 to7 years my hair does this funky little flip flop on my right side (I wrap to the left). So I started doing the cross wrap. it works well once you perfect your craft. I hope you find something that works because that little funky dip is not fun!
Using less product on wet hair when I'm setting the hair, and not tying my silk scarf too tight when I go to bed helps...But then again the hair is a bit longer too, so :confused:

Using teeny bits of product (a la Macherieamour) has been so refreshing to my hair. It's like a totally different head of hair.
Cleve_gryl said:
Mine did this ALOT when it was shoulder length :perplexed. A coworker of mine who happens to be a cosmetologist told me to switch sides that you wrap....train your hair to bump the 'other' way.

I tried this for a couple nights (which was uncomfortable, since I wrapped to the right for YEARS)...and the funky flip stopped :D. Now that my hair is a bit longer I don't experience this anymore. HTH

I have a love/hate relationship with wrapping. I love how the fron and sides lay but the back sort of stick up/out:(
Oh yeah, I alternate sides every other night. My hair keeps body when I alternate sides. Plus, I like the way it falls after I swap sides. It does take some getting used to. I stopped wrapping in the same directiob all the time when my edges started breaking off. The breakage stopped when I started switching sides.
I have a problem with one side looking a little frizzy from time to time. I normally just pull the hair behind my ear and keep it moving.

I will try alternating sides as Cleve Gyrl and AlwaysL8 Suggested. Thanks. ;)
I have this problem as well. I alternate sides, but the back is always sticking straight out while the sides fall correctly. I think I will give wrapping a rest and simply use a bonnet.