Wrap Snap and Go Rollers! - RAVE!


New Member
Hi All,
I just wanted to share my new product experience.....So I was in Walgreens last night looking for a tweezer and a bottle for my MT and I came cross the WRAP SNAP & GO HAIR ROLLERS. They were in the wrong spot but I picke dthem up because they were leopard patterned and looked interesting. That morning I was just complaining about sleeping in hard rollers and the pins which I have done for the past 20 years...LOL So after reading about them, I decided to get them (for $10, soft and washable, I said why not?!) I used about 10 of them of the 12 they give you... which is how I normally roll my hair, did my normal moisturize and seal and then followed the instructions and hoped for the best...

Well, I get up this morning and unroll my hair and it looked soooooo pretty and extra curly this morning. Mind you because they are soft "rollers", they create very tight spiraly type curls. I ran my fingers through it and pinned the front back a little and I was good to go. Not only that, but my head felt good because they are like foam, super soft to sleep on. I had a great nights sleep. Because it is soo super tight curly, I am planning to just wrap my hair tonight yo straighten them out a bit which may give me like 3 days of hairstyle with one roller set... but I just wanted to share that it was a great alternative, I may never sleep in hard rollers every again!!
Yeah I wann a see some pics too. I use the grand mom soft rollers with the snap clip and I have to use like 15 of them to get that roller set look. How you managed to just use 10 in all that hair is incredible. I wanna see some pics miss ladie
I am going to see if my coworkers can take a picture of me and I will try to send it in a few :) I swear it is times like this that I am salty that my blackberry doesn't have a camera...booo hiss!!
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Hi Ladies,
I found one of my co workers to take this. I am not sureof how clear it is, but I took one of the back so you can see how curly it is :)


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