Wow! To those who have read this book...


Well-Known Member
A while ago there was a thread, can't recall the title, and someone mentioned a couple books. One was, "He came to set the captives free" by Rebecca Browne. Well, I recently purchased this book and read it.

It has left me speechless! I have always been aware of the spirit world, demons, and the reality of Satanists and what they practice. However, I have never learned anything more in depth about it. The testimony of these two women blew me away!
I'll admit I had a hard time believing some of it, particularly the parts about Satan and his, and the demons, ability to phsycially interact with humans (won't go into it).

Also I never knew about human spirits and wer animals/beasts. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around all this!

Can anyone else who has read this book share their thoughts? What do you think?
Well, I looked into this further online and according to Christian researchers of Personal Freedom Outreach, this author is not credible and many of her claims were found to be false.
Interesting. Now I just gotta try and erase what I read from my brain. That was some bizarre and disturbing stuff!
Wow, I have the book and the second part titled "Prepare for War" and I was given them by my pastor. What makes the people who researched her to be credible? I mean, I have read it time and time again and I have to say that I believe that it is real. I have to pray really hard about this b/c I don't want to belive no mess. I have to wait and see what God says about it.
I read it. It was very enlightening. I was a very open vessel as I read this book. Call me gullible, but I believed it because at the time I was going through some things that were related to a witchcraft attack. Regardless, I have learned that God has all power--even over such evil.

I've also read what Rebecca's critics have had to say, but like someone above says--what makes them credible. There will always be critics. Pastor Joel Olsteen has critics and that just further convinces me that someone will always have something negative to say about someone trying to do something positive.
Well, like the physical manifestation of the Devil and him having sex with humans at ceremonies, for one.

And, to me what makes critics credible is their proof. Its hard to proove or disprove what Dr. Brown wrote about.

But its not hard to disprove or prove if a PASTOR, TEACHER, MINISTER, OR BISHOP is teaching false doctrine. I found this to be true in my research of word of faith ministers.

There are more things going on unseen than are seen. Apostle Kimberly daniels has a great message board on demonic spirits, check it out. Also George Bloomer has some great books on this subject.

The bible tells us be not ignorant to the devils devices