wow!thanx 2 the texturized ladies on site


I did the B/C 1/8/05. I was very shell shocked at first b/c I felt self conscious and very unattractive. The ladies here were so supportive and I got more and more tips for my hair. I started using ORS products and in 3 weeks my hair grew 1"! I lightly texturized my hair w/ S curl and am loving the results! Thanks to all the tips here, I was able to do it myself. My hair is loving it too b/c it is responding to my tlc by growing! I plan to re-touch every 3 or 4 months. I am currently using no heat and my hair loves this. Thanks to all the girls one the site w/ texturizers. I think this will be my hair regime for the year. My TWA will be gone soon. Anybody know how to style short hair?
My hair grew like a weed too when I first cut it off.

I used to use paul mitchell super clean sculpting gel. part it at the front,slick it down and leave the rest curly. I used to have mega waves. I miss my short hair sometimes cos it was soooo easy.

I also texturise with scurl and my hair LOVES ors olive oil lotion :)
Mine too! I'm gonna try PM products. Ugh I need to be in PJA - (producy junkies anonomous) LOL! My hair is more wavy than curly.
I found the ultimate curl def w/ PM sculpting lotion and citre shine wave booster. Alone, these products did nothing 4 me. Together, ZOWIE! :eek: In a good way- my hair has gorgeous waves w/o end. It isn't curly b/c I think i left my text. on for too long. Who cares? It's cute now! :D I will texturize my hair every 3 or 4 months. I love this website! I've been able to be successful at my hairstyling since finding it. :cool: