WOW...shampooing is sooo overrated!


Well-Known Member
Wow...I've been co-washing my hair for the past three weeks in order to make my ng more manageable since I'm 13weeks post, and let me tell you.....after CO-washing my hair this morning I noticed that my hair was so SOFT! Even 5 hours after washing my hair this morning my ng STILL feels soft and moisturized! Wow...

I've never co-washed so often back to back....I usually just co-wash once a week and shampoo on another day within the same week. This time I just decided not to shampoo my hair for 3 weeks and guess what? My hair feels more moisturized, it's not dry, and my hair has fewer tangles...even @ 13weeks post. So imo, shampooing is soo overrated lol.

I know you guys are probably thinking that I've flipped my lid lol...but I'm just so excited that this has allowed me transition a little easier. :)
Cowashing is how I keep my hair moisturized. I do it daily and my hair is not dry and breaking like it use to. Daily cowashing has and still is transforming my hair. OP, how often are you cowashing?
:look: I happen to love a good shampoo! Helps my products work better. I've tried the no/low-poo thing and I couldn't do it.
Yeeeah, ever since I discovered baking soda to cleanmy hair with i dn tuse shampoo very often.
:look: I happen to love a good shampoo! Helps my products work better. I've tried the no/low-poo thing and I couldn't do it.

yeah, i'm thinking maybe i use too much cones to make co-washing alone work. my hair and scalp seems to like a regular poo. longest i've gone with out it is poo'ing 1x per month in the winter. but i still ended up going back to every week lol.

maybe if i found the right cond to co-wash with. i think the ones i currently use are too thick and too moisturizing to do the job.
i just co-wash when my hair needs to be moisturiz'd., since its gettinh hot i co wash about 2 times a week. and i dilute my shampoo in my hand with water when my scalp and hair has build up... i do this about every 3 weeks. so i still need use use shampoo, but very little and very seldom.
Cowashing is how I keep my hair moisturized. I do it daily and my hair is not dry and breaking like it use to. Daily cowashing has and still is transforming my hair. OP, how often are you cowashing?

Well, right now I only co-wash once or twice a week, but I'm sure as the months go by I'll probably have to co-wash more often. **
i think i need to give co washing another go. I have serious dryness and tangles at the moment.

^^Yea, don't get me wrong...I DO shampoo my hair, and will probably continue to shampoo once every week, but it's just nice to give my hair a break from shampooing every once in a while (especially while I'm transitioning) *since I find that my hair also feels drier and tangles easier when I shampoo. *

If I had not been afraid to co-wash back to back w/out shampooing for a while, I probably would have been able to stretch my relaxers a lot longer than 13weeks. *:-/ **I was so afraid that if I co-washed instead of shampooing at least once a week, then my hair would be "dirty". *But now I see that's not really true. *Your hair can still be clean even if you co-wash. *But if you use a lot of hair products, work out extensively or work in a dirty/dusty environment, then you do have to shampoo more regularly along w/co-washinng. *

I intend to shampoo at least once every two weeks, especially if I sense a lot of buildup. *You basically have to pay attention to your hair I guess. *If it feels dry and overly tangled then maybe a co-wash would be better instead of just automatically reaching for the shampoo. *
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I agree that shampooing is over-rated. I gave away a lot of the shampoos I had and I use conditioner most of the time to wash my hair now. I do so about 4 to 5 times a week now with my hair in big plaits. Now that I am natural, detangling is a big chore but not when I wash it in big plaits.

I seldom use shampoo - maybe once every 3-4 weeks depending on how much build-up I have at the time. Sometimes I am able to go longer without shampooing if I use more natural and cone-free products.

I cowash with any conditioner but the ones that do the best instant cowashing job are the cheapies like vo5, suave and tresemme conditioners. Of these three, vo5 (moisture milks) is my favorite.