WOW! My family is finally catching on!!


New Member
Hey ladies! :)

I'm a newbie, but have been lurking since June. Well when I found this board, and saw all of you incredible ladies with your gorgeous hair, I immediately told my Mom and sisters that I was going to grow my hair to Midback length. Needless to say, my mom looked at me like :confused: , and my older sister was like :lachen:(my little sister is a sweetie though, so she believed me).

Fast forward to now and I've just reached my first goal of BSL. All of a sudden, my mom is asking what products I use, and last night my sister called asking what to use on her scalp to help her hair grow while she is in braids!! This is a huge step for her becuase she thinks I'm "obsessed" and won't really talk to me about hair at all.
Now I'm thinking of subtle ways to tell her about moisture and protecting the ends.

I'm so happy ya'll! :D
congrats on the growth!!

some people (like me at one time) just need to see to believe. thank god for LHCF.

If your sis sees that your hair is growing and seems interested in what you are doing to it, why do you feel the need to subtly tell her what to do?
Congratulations, Sugarose! I'm so excited for you! Keep it up. Get them all on the bandwagon. :)

You know, that is the biggest milestone I have been shooting for...when my family "gets it", especially my husband. I want him to see the fruits of my labor, so he can understand all the wrapping and rolling, conditioning and prepooing.

My grown daughters understand pretty much. My oldest and I talk alot about hair, but my youngest thinks I am obsessed. However, she does believe that I can reach my goals. (Her hair is APL and she doesn't seem to have to care for it as gently as I have to.) I am going to get my middle daughter on the bandwagon. She loves her hair, but has made some choices that have cost her, so she just cut it ear length. It grows like a weed, though, so it will be back in no time.

They have started to notice my efforts and have complimented me.
awwww..that's great :) My family is still laughing at me. I can't wait until I get some respect. :D I think this is a great story.
JazzyDez said:
congrats on the growth!!

some people (like me at one time) just need to see to believe. thank god for LHCF.

If your sis sees that your hair is growing and seems interested in what you are doing to it, why do you feel the need to subtly tell her what to do?

Oh because if I start telling her more than she asks for, she won't listen. Hair has been a life long issue between my sister and I.
We grew up being told I had "good hair" and she didn't (though I know all healthy hair is good) so she has never listened to me about anything to do with hair, because she thinks my advice won't apply to her since I have "good hair".
That she even asked is a big deal.
Yeah my Fiance looks at me like I'm crazy because my hair has been the same length since we met. Can't wait to bust his bubble:grin:
sugarose said:
Oh because if I start telling her more than she asks for, she won't listen. Hair has been a life long issue between my sister and I.
We grew up being told I had "good hair" and she didn't (though I know all healthy hair is good) so she has never listened to me about anything to do with hair, because she thinks my advice won't apply to her since I have "good hair".
That she even asked is a big deal.

oh I see....all you need to do is show her a few comparision pics from some of the type 4 ladies here and that will straighten her right out.:lol:
Congrats! I told my family this Thanksgiving that I'm growing my hair to BSL and they laughed in my face! They all argued with me, saying that I don't have "the kind of hair that grows" and they even said my hair is thin because I needed to trim it!!!:eek: (I wouldn't take it down for them because they made me feel bad so how would they know?) I was hurt! I can't WAIT to reach BSL and show them I can grow my hair just as long as my cousin's (that they were comparing my hair to because she's at midback)!
i know how you feel. i have a hater for a daughter who doesn't think it can grow but NOW i noticed she's watching me sideways when i have my hair out.

siblings...not believing. I'm hiding on them until i get to my desired length god-willing it will be next spring.

Congrats and share with them!!!
It was the same way for me too. My mom can't get the fact that I wash my hair every three days, and my sis would give the eye slide everytime I told her I was going to grow my hair long. Needless to say, now that I'm BSL, everyone wants to know my regimene. Umm, I've already told them, but they just chose not to listen...
Congratz and welcome don't worry your results are more than enough to stop them form doubting you.
Hello all...

Hubby gives me a funny look from time to time whenever I discuss something about hair with him...and my friends just ignore me. They think its another one of my phases.
Welcome and congrats!
I am finding that people are looking to me for advice as well. My hubby used to be a naysayer but he is now Mr. Confirmation constantly. When I moisturize at night he comments on the growth and says "that stinking stuff you use must work" (He thinks everything I use stinks, MTG, ORS Carrot Oil, whatever! :lol:
I know what you mean. My whole family thinks I'm nuts. And let's not even get started on my stylist and my friends. But my hair has been growing really nicely and that is enough for me. I'm really pushing for BSL in 2007...not just because that's right on the way to my ultimate goal of WL, but it'll shut everybody up about all my supplements and all the "crazy" stuff I've been doing for my hair to grow.