Wow! It's been years!


Well-Known Member
I totally have not been here in years. OMG. Where do I start. I've been lurking for a few days and finally decided to join in again. I recognize some old names. I was even a member of the BHSGO. I don't remember my original username so I know no one will remember me. Now that was really back in the day. Yeah I've been at this hair thing off and on for a while.

I've begun another quest at getting serious about growing again. I used to be at the shoulder length wall for years just couldn't get past it. Well I don't know how in the last three years I past shoulder length now I'm only a few inches from BSL. My ultimate goal is waist length.

I used to be a serious PJ, buying products every week. I moved overseas to Asia and they didn't have the products so that put a halt to my PJism (a good thing) I moved back to the states two years ago but am broke so I'm a reformed PJ I'm finding less is more.

My routine is pretty simple wash about twice a week sometimes three just depending on how dry my hair is. I'll usually use shampoo once a week and the other times just put conditioner on and rinse out. I like to pre condition but no conditioner after. I think it saves time that way.

After I towel dry I detangle it and rub coconut oil on it and roll it with flexi rods and that's it. I stopped using heat a little over two years ago. Stopped using curling irons. Kept my hair dryer but used it maybe twice in a year. I never thought I could be wash and go but I do. I'm no longer afraid of rain.

I'm relaxed (self) Haven't set foot in a salon in more than six years and will never again. I know ya feel me. I relax every 12 weeks. Couldn't tell you what my hair type is because it's all mixed. I'm just enjoying stalking all these lovely heads of hair it's really inspired me to begin this challenge again.

I really want to do the Ayurveda challenge I bought some amla/skikaki oil a few weeks ago and have been using that three times a week. I've also been using MTG.

Sorry this is so long.

Here's my album it's really old I need to work on updating it. These pics were when I was in Asia and didn't have access to the normal products. My hair actually grew a lot there (all the seaweed and veggies) but unfortunately had some breakage and lost it. I think my hair looks better now. password dreams.
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Welcome back! I'm sure it won't take you long to get to bsl.
ETA: Please update those pics soon:) I want to see your current hair.
From one member of the class of 2004 to another I say :hiya:
I came out of lurk mode in 2006. I don't know what was going on in '04, but better late than never!
Welcome back!! I'm like you..I've been amember for a while, but not really participating. Well, I am back for 2008 and I am looking forward to some real progress so I'll be keeping my eye on u!