Wow, Castor Oil Is NO Joke!

I purchased my castor oil from my local health food store. It is made by NOW Personal Care 100% Pure, 16 fl. oz. for $6.49 The bottle says that it is suitable for both internal and external use... I'll stick to keeping it on my hair... oh and by the way I did a wash and go this morning using no heat and castor oil, grapeseed oil and coconut oil as a spray on and when my hair dried it was very soft and looked even thicker then usual:yep:
by the way I did a wash and go this morning using no heat and castor oil, grapeseed oil and coconut oil as a spray on and when my hair dried it was very soft and looked even thicker then usual:yep:

Yep! I'm really trying to persuade ladies of the benefits of airdrying. It's great and my hair is getting thicker as a result! :clapping:
Castor oil izzz the Truth! I use it several ways for various reasons. I add a teaspoon or more to my conditioner for additional moisture. I use it to seal the ends to prevent it from being thin, split or damaged. I also use it for protective styles, such as buns. Since it's so thick, it allows the hair to lay flat. Somtimes, I mix it with a little rosemary to thin it out.
Castor oil is probably the single best hair product I have added to my regimen this year:yep: I add it to my pre-poos, DCs and use it to seal my ends. It's probably the reason that my ends are finally looking like hair instead of hay!
:hammer:I don't know what took me so long to try this! All I can say is Wow! I felt an immediate difference in my hair.....soft & silky! Will become a staple :yep:
Maybe I missed the reply, but how is everyone using the castor oil. Are you using it as a prepoo or to seal or using on wet hair while airdrying?
i get the little 4 oz bottle of them from the mexican section of cvs for about $1 or so. it is the best discovery i've made yet - you are absolutely correct!
my favorite style is to twist sections of my hair with a leave in, like sunsilk tlc, coat the twists, especially the ends with castor oil (most often generously), and roll the twists with satin covered foam rollers. i don't know if anyone remembers, but i wa shedding so heavily last month or so that i must've lost about 3 cups of hair....seriously. the castor oil has thickened my hair shafts, moisturized and keeps my twists moisturized for at LEAST 2 days without any more moisture assed, and, with the low manipulation, the areas that have shedded the most, like the temples and the back hairline, have grown in fully.

the castor oil is a staple for me.
thins is the plain castor oil, however.
has anyone used the black castor oil and noticed MORE improvment?
oh...i also saturate it on my face and wipe off excess with a cotton pad. it sured my acne and continues to remove my old acne scars
:yep: :love: castor oil- I tried it first last year and was obvioulsy using tooo much didn't likey. Then I used a few drops earlier this year and wow! I add it to my daily spray mix of conditioner, glycerin, rosewater, vatika and infusium... my ends are divine...I also seal my hair with it sometimes after co-washing just a little is great!
Maybe I missed the reply, but how is everyone using the castor oil. Are you using it as a prepoo or to seal or using on wet hair while airdrying?

You can use it both ways, but I prefer to use it to seal on wet hair while airdrying (and a little goes a long way). :yep:
Hi all,

Recently joined the forum and I am soaking up on the advice on the forum like a sponge! I am trying to keep my regime as simple as possible...I have ordered my castor oil which I might mix with amla oil as a pre poo as I have had good results with alma I thought I might add to it. I am in braids at the moment but my hair is just past the shoulder blades. So when I get a chance I might look into add pictures on fotki to doc my progress. But thanks to all the advice here...just a shame I didnt find the forum soon but nevertheless I am soaking up the knowledge and experiences from everyone
till this day i find castor oil too gunky, and gives me buildup. i think its great if your hair is extremley dry, but try mixing it with coconut THATS what i call a pre-treatment!
I buy my castor oil from the Indian store, I mix it in a little spray bottle, with some coconut oil, it works great. I also like to use the coconut oil as a prepoo, I have an Indian friend who told me to heat up the oil for a few minutes and but it all over your hair, leave on for hours or overnight, which every is convenient, she said that is what her relative do in India and it is very good for your hair. I tried it only once so far and I like it:yep:
Hi all,

Recently joined the forum and I am soaking up on the advice on the forum like a sponge! I am trying to keep my regime as simple as possible...I have ordered my castor oil which I might mix with amla oil as a pre poo as I have had good results with alma I thought I might add to it. I am in braids at the moment but my hair is just past the shoulder blades. So when I get a chance I might look into add pictures on fotki to doc my progress. But thanks to all the advice here...just a shame I didnt find the forum soon but nevertheless I am soaking up the knowledge and experiences from everyone

Hello! :newbie:

Welcome to the forums!
Hi Ladies, I'm new to LHCF. I'm very interested in using Castor Oil. But is there any particular kind I should be using ? I was at Walgreens and they had thier store brand but I decided not to buy because I figure I better ask first:perplexed.
Castor oil is probably the single best hair product I have added to my regimen this year:yep: I add it to my pre-poos, DCs and use it to seal my ends. It's probably the reason that my ends are finally looking like hair instead of hay!

i totally agree with all this. i thought i had co-signed on all the castor oil threads, i'm a BIG believer!!!
Castor oil izzz the Truth! I use it several ways for various reasons. I add a teaspoon or more to my conditioner for additional moisture. I use it to seal the ends to prevent it from being thin, split or damaged. I also use it for protective styles, such as buns. Since it's so thick, it allows the hair to lay flat. Somtimes, I mix it with a little rosemary to thin it out.

I wanted to add some to my DC but was wondering how much to add....I try a tsp and see how it goes...
Castor Oil was the icing on my hair care cake! It made me hair so silky and soft that I can't keep my scarf on my head when I sleep!:blush: Everytime I wake up it's down in the covers somewhere. Also - I love how it sinks into the hair, and gives it a natural "comes from within" shine instead of that oil sheen " rub my head if you forgot vaseline for your hands this morning" kind of brilliance. :lachen:
I here some ladies saying that they buy Castor oil at Walmart, Kmart etc. I buy it at a health food store and the bottle says that it should not be ingested............................I know that the castor oil that sells at Walmart and Kmart are for ingestion. Soooooooooo does anyone know if the results will be the same with either.

Castor oil ingested is used as a laxative/lubricant. So please don't ingest it if not needed for that purpose.

OH. MY. GOODNESS. WHY did I not try this sooner? I mixed a capful with some cheapie conditioner to rinse after my DC... WOW my new growth has been whipped into submission!! :kneel:

I thought my S-curl was good,but castor oil is the ish!!!

next I will try mixing it in my DC or with another oil as a pree poo...
It occurs to me as I read this thread that one of the most significant improvements in my hair is that my ends are not breaking - no breakage at all. This is amazing to me - I still check to make sure even after several months. I started using castor oil because my big sis suggested it. I started out putting it on all of my hair, but I was using too much (it is pretty thick). But my ends and edges were soft and strong. Now, I mix three or four drops of castor oil with three or four drops of camellia oil, rub together in my hands, apply first to my ends, then to the rest of my hair. My hair is so soft and nonbreaking - I love it.

Castor oil is also an ingredient in a couple of phyto conditioning products.

When my daughter left for Argentina, she left behind a very large open bottle of some cheap conditioner - Treseme I think. I did not like it, but did not want to waste it, so I added rather a lot of castor oil to the bottle and have been using it for my co-washes.

I di dnot even realize what great benefits I was getting from this.

You are correct- castor oil is no joke.