Would You Think Of This As Moral: Selling Or Farming Bud For The Med Industry?


se ven las caras pero nunca el corazón
Working in the medical marijuana industry as a Christian?
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Trim-igrants can make 12k a month. LOL. 3 months in Summer and that 36k. Not bad. I hear Whoopi Goldberg made some maryjane oil for cramps. This was a question put to me today so I thought I'd ask here.
:bump: 86 views, no further comments or advise? Mine was that it should only be for the medical industry and not for those who just want to get high because for Catholics, getting high is a mortal sin. Opaaaa!!!
My mom stated she was going to be trying to get into this. She just retired from her second career and I believe her husband put her up to this idea. It doesn't sit well with me at all but it's "legal" here now so....
Take all of what I say with a massive grain of salt, I'm still a baby Christian. I say go to God in prayer and ask him to lead you to the right decision. You maybe given the freedom to do it, while someone else (like me) may not. I don't think anyone can really answer this for you as the answer isn't explicitly written out in the Bible.

The unsure babe in me says:
As long as it is legal, why not? Somebody had to sell wine in the Bible. God just qualified that consumers are not to overimbibe in wine and lose self control. If your selling doesn't cause someone to stumble in their spiritual path - it might be ok.
Disclaimer: This is not a Catholic-only post...and I cannot be expected to avoid mentioning it. My following response on mortal sin just clarifies part of my personal stance which is somewhere in the middle as I do not know. I won't place this in the Catholic section. It's not a solely Catholic discussion. This is for anyone who cares to respond.

I don't understand what is immoral about smoking/ingesting/selling weed. If that's immoral, then wouldn't any type of medication that alters your bio-chemistry be immoral?

I think it has something to do with attempting to alter your conscience and not your bio-chemistry directly. For example of that, say someone is trying to dull his conscience and responsibility towards his life. A person smoking (although I think that all smoke damages the lungs) marijuana for pain management or using marijuana product externally for chronic conditions is not trying to alter his/her conscience. Someone trying to get high (drunkenness is the same) is a different story.

I hope some of my Catholic ladies on here chime in. I've been taught that drug use is a mortal sin (removes salvific grace which must be restored through confession). I suppose scriptural references anyone might consult indicate alcohol consumption. If anybody would like to contribute scriptures, please do so. ***I thank those of you who have already responded***

@ThursdayGirl I will relay your response because I think that is the first step, to personally ask and pray. I know that some farms in some places are just plain dangerous (small operations ) because these have been on the news. Larger farming operations? I dunno. I never even heard of a "trimmigrant" before and evidently, people the world over do these jobs. They are short in duration. No, it's not for me although about up to 40 grand in 3 months sounds sweet lol.
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My mom stated she was going to be trying to get into this. She just retired from her second career and I believe her husband put her up to this idea. It doesn't sit well with me at all but it's "legal" here now so....

Yeah, what they told me about were the legal, established ones that are in some valley of many in the area. I have heard of people in Colorado and other areas being robbed and such. SMH.
There are legal prescription drugs that are more harmful, addictive, and lethal than marijuana, and I'm sure Christians (and other religious folks) work in the pharmaceutical industry. It honestly makes no sense as to why marijuana is still illegal. The number of alcohol related deaths and negative outcomes are faaaaaaar greater. (Do people even die from weed?) And plenty of religious people in the alcohol trade, particularly wine.
Hello Ladies. Many people are using medical marijuana for therapeutic purposes. A newscaster from Detroit used this for multiple sclerosis. I haven't read any studies about it. If led I might consider it. My sister uses it for pain. I think she should take this up as a trade.:meditate:
I know my next door neighbor grows it. Mr. Purple Lights at night. I don't think he is legal but he might be, poor guy has had 4 back surgeries. I just worry about dangers with criminals who raid. If he is legal growing for medicine and not to get high, I got several scissors at home :giggle: I can moonlight haha