Would you let your fiancee plan your wedding


New Member
There's a program in England called 'Dont tell the bride' where the potential grooms plan the wedding with no involvement from the bride. They buy the dress,rent the venue organise the brides maids dresses e.t.c all by themself usually with the help of the best man.When ever i watch it though 9 times out of ten the men spend the money on riduculous things like a helicopter or an outlandish stag night, and come the wedding day the bride is in floods of tears because this isnt right and thats not right etc. Would you have the faith to let your fiancee plan your wedding without your input?
I'd rather plan my own wedding. I don't know many guys who would undertake the task of planning a wedding. I think someone came up with this plot for wedding planners and vendors to make extra money. They know most men will not take the time to shop around for price or do things themselves, therefore will end up paying someone to do the work.
H@ll no.
He gets his batchelor party, I get my wedding. All he need to decide is if he want chicken, fish, or steak for his plate.
I wouldn't mind...if I had a fiancee! :lol:
I'm not big on planning big parties and stuff, so he would be more than welcome to do it.
Yes. We will most likely have an Indian style wedding. I don't know the first thing about planning those so I'm sure he would do a great job. Assuming his mom and sister gave input......
lol i'm not engaged, but if i was, i would not let my SO plan the wedding

he is a little on the minimalist side. we would be getting married in somebody's backyard, with 3 ppl in attendance, with tumbleweeds rolling around our feet probably :nono:

i would let him plan the honeymoon though, i think he would do a great job at that
i can't imagine him wanting to (thinking of my current SO). and if he did, he better know all that ridiculous, over the top romantic stuff is not me so it better not be in our wedding.


No way. Now he could make the arrangements if I had input on things. Like I want this dress in this color and style, now go make it happen!
There is a show like that in the United States. But in addition to planning the wedding without the bride's notice he hasn't even proposed. So the groom plans the wedding and the day before the wedding he proposes to the bride. Its a special edition of who's wedding is it anyways.

Also on the style network is a show where the bride and groom battle eachother to incorporate key elements of the wedding that are important to them. the show is also a special edition of who's wedding is it anyways. I personally couldn't do that either. I would rather argue and compromise with my FH than to play some game to get the location of the ceremony that I want or the type of reception.

I don't think I would let my SO plan our wedding. I would want a joint collaborative effort in planning it. I am not a romantic person but I would want a really princessie romantic dress. I wouldn't serve any alcohol and it would be very small and intimate. I wouldn't invite family members just to invite them I have to be close to them.
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