Would you guys be interested in a great online wig shop by one of your own?


Active Member
Would you guys be interested in a great online wig shop? (pics)

Ok so here is the deal. I recently purchased a half wig from a local BSS. I LOVE IT!! I picked it up on Sunday (they had to order the correct color for me) and I have worn it every day this week with no plans of altering for the rest of the week! My friend who went in with me purchased a lace front that looked so real on her that her husband didn't even notice (and he is VERY attentive). :drunk:

My co-workers haven't noticed...even my boyfriend hasn't noticed...he just said that my hair looked really nice (and we have spent every evening together since Sunday...oh yeah, I wore it out of the store!). :yay:

Well while at the store, the owners (an Asian man and a Black man) and I got to talking about ebay and they said that they were very interested in selling their products on ebay. They have great quality wigs (natural and synthetic) and the prices really aren't that bad (I paid $60 for mine). I was just wondering if yall would patronize the store if I decided to do it (and of course if you see something you like). He literally has hundreds of wigs! Also if people are looking for certain hair products I could check to see if he has them there and post them for you. Please give me your thoughts and whether or not you would be interested in seeing something like this? (there may even be a discount for LHCF members). :help:

Lets see if we can knock this thing out! :boxing: I'm rather excited about the idea...please give me your thoughts and comments (postivie and negative).


BTW, the pictures are on the second page...I posted them after someone requested to see pictures.
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Yes I would totally patronize it!!!! I'm sooo throught wit hair stores in cincinnati. . . .There so rude. . Now I wont have to pay them for horriable customer service. . (keep 1b's in stock)
Yep, sounds good, if reasonably priced!
Cos some of those Ebay hair shops are just daylight robbery. :grin:
I would.

I have yet to find one that is natural looking and has a texture like my own relaxed hair.

The ones close enough are always super expensive.

So if it were a member, I think I would trust her judgement more in being honest about how the wigs look.
I totally understand that! I am definitely one of those people who has never worn weave much less a wig! I was so excited about the quality and price that I had to take the proposal seriously for you guys! I work in an extremely conservative office and I have gotten nothing but compliments. I have only revealed my secret to one girl at the office and she was in shock and awe for at least 10 minutes. She closed my office door to check it out because she didn't believe me!
You should do some research on wig sellers on ebay and whether the profit margin be worth you and the shop's time. People do buy wigs on ebay. But there are quite a few sellers on there.
Yes that is true, but they don't have the power of the LHCF!!! LOL Remember the Global Goddess Hair Oil buy out?!!! Also you guys can communicate with me exactly what you are looking for...which hopefully would be the biggest difference!
I would! I just ordered a 1/2 wig from China in the hopes that it will be "real" looking.

Do you have any pics of the wig you bought?
I suppose I should try and take some tonight...I have worn it all loose, with half of it clipped back, in a low ponytail, and with a headband! I LOVE IT...I'll post some pics tomorrow.
I would be more willing to buy a wig from a fellow LHCF member. I just dropped over $200 for a LF from China that I am praying is "REAL Looking". Since I BC'ed I want a wig that looks like my natural style and I'm tired of buying wigs at Hairsisters I yet to buy a wig that looks good on me from there.
I totally understand that! I can't believe you had to spend $200...and order from china!! I love hearing from you guys...keep the comments coming!
I would! My natural hair color is lighter than 27 so i never wear wigs because they don't blend well.. plus I can never find anything close to my hair texture without looking too wiggy lol
Here are some pictures of my half wig...I took these myself so sorry about the quality...I have about a 1 inch section of my hair out in the front...as you can see, its smooth and there is no bump or anything where the wig starts. It kind of looks shiny in some of the pics, but that's mostly the flash. It blends right in with my hair...if you can see the clipped part, the hair in the clip is mostly mine...


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I'm a bargain shopper. I would patronize it if there are no reliable cheaper vendor than you.
Here are some pictures of my half wig...I took these myself so sorry about the quality...I have about a 1 inch section of my hair out in the front...as you can see, its smooth and there is no bump or anything where the wig starts. It kind of looks shiny in some of the pics, but that's mostly the flash. It blends right in with my hair...if you can see the clipped part, the hair in the clip is mostly mine...

Oh snap, I'd definitely keep my left eye on your site. That wig looks hella good!

I'd wear one of these until my natural hair grows out long enough to clip or bun or something...

Now, that you have us all salivating, how long would it take for you guys to get online?
LOL right now it's still an idea but we are going to meet over the weekend. I'll definitely keep you girls updated! keep the comments coming!