Would you ever shave it all off?

Would you ever shave it all off?

  • I already did! (when I bc-ed, just because i felt like it, etc.)

    Votes: 44 31.7%
  • Yes, one day.

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 21 15.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 67 48.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I was blog surfing, when i followed a link to :
and of course i clicked the afro :)

I loved her interview, but this really stuck out to me

What's a hair move you've always been curious about but have been afraid to try?: "I definitely look forward to the day that I shave it all off. I think that is a brave move and that every woman should experience her beauty raw, without hair. This would definitely inspire some growth."

Would you ever shave it off?

I think after I get to waist length, and enjoy it for a while, I would. But definitely not right now. I have something to prove to myself length wise first, and maybe build a little self esteem along the way too! :lol:

It also made me think of this thread
My hair was my security blanket - got a hair cut and I feel exposed

full interview
A Sleek-Chic 'Fro That's Oh-So Awesome
Photos by Dan McMahon


Name: Khayatollah

Occupation: DJ/model/Bartender/Artist/Loved 1

Age: "Let's just say that I'm at my Saturn Return."

Website/Twitter handle: khayatollah, soundcloud

Hometown: Newark, NJ

Favorite childhood hairdo: "I loved when my mom would braid my hair from one side to the other, so that the cornrows were braided straight from one ear to the other like a cross-town highway. I think the hair to one side just feels so femme, and even at that age I liked that feeling."

Secret styling weapon: "Water is a Godsend! It softens the curls and makes it pliable. My hair is spongy so the h2o stays in my hair for hours and keeps the wool cool in the hot months."

What do you love most about your hair?: "I love that it grows upward, toward the sky. When I look at the trees in nature I see my hair and that feels beautiful."

What drives you nuts?: "The detangling process can be just that–a process! It's worth it though. African-textured hair is awesome because you can literally mold it into ANY shape or style because its strands are so flexible and springy. The only thing is sometimes I don't feel like making a sculpture!"

Dream 'do?: "I would love to just fast-forward to waist-length locks with beautiful stones and metals affixed to them. This will probably be me at 50."

What's a hair move you've always been curious about but have been afraid to try?: "I definitely look forward to the day that I shave it all off. I think that is a brave move and that every woman should experience her beauty raw, without hair. This would definitely inspire some growth."

If your hair had a horoscope, what would it be?: "Pisces, like me. I am the mother water sign–ever-changing and emoting, and I feel my hair speaks the same lingo. And I gotta say a close second would be a fire sign because when I sleep on both sides and wake up my hair looks like a flame!"




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great article; she's beautiful

i had my papa shave me on a whim back when i was in highschool and it was truly liberating. shaved myself super-clean for years, then wore it really low. i think if you have a nice shaped head (and you can only tell if you shave) then a bald head really really highlights your features. remember Sinead when she was hot? she was still delicate and femine and most of all unique with her shaved head. lady gaga would look great bald. madonna would look manish. Rhianna would be hot. Beyoncé would be not hot. Zoe Saldana would be awesome looking bald... (don't question me, i know these things)

i'm not PC about this tho; the bald look doesn't work for everyone. some people should really just keep their hair :look:
great article; she's beautiful

i had my papa shave me on a whim back when i was in highschool and it was truly liberating. shaved myself super-clean for years, then wore it really low. i think if you have a nice shaped head (and you can only tell if you shave) then a bald head really really highlights your features. remember Sinead when she was hot? she was still delicate and femine and most of all unique with her shaved head. lady gaga would look great bald. madonna would look manish. Rhianna would be hot. Beyoncé would be not hot. Zoe Saldana would be awesome looking bald... (don't question me, i know these things)

i'm not PC about this tho; the bald look doesn't work for everyone. some people should really just keep their hair :look:

I'm not sure everyone could pull it off but i think most could look decent if they had a average+ face and did thing big earring, bold lipstick, maybe even a nose ring trend.

I'm not to sure about my headshape. :look: but I still have to get up the courage to go out with naked unmanipulated hair. :lol:
I don't have a face shape for a shaved head. That would only happen if I had to do it. I also know that due to half my lifetime I was using chemicals in one place on my scalp hair no longer grows in that spot. It is a tiny area, but I can go to it in an instant feeling my scalp. Like stated before some don't look their best with a bald fade. I am one of them.

Her skintone is gorgeous and healthy. Loved the article.
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Done it...10 or so times. :)

It IS pretty liberating and I like feeling my prickly head. (Don't judge me)
In fact, this the first time in my life that I am actively growing out my hair and it's been pretty hard for me to resist the scissors/clippers.
I did it in April. Loved how liberating it made me feel. I've been keeping it low for a long while and now I'm in the process of growing it out.

I love trying different things with my hair.
Already did it. It was liberating. And easy to take care of. For me it doesn't get any easier than that. From what I was told I have the head for it.
I had my stylist shave it off twice for me. Hair is just hair to me. Nothing more, nothing less. I think every woman should shave her hair off at least ONCE in her lifetime. It's the same hair that she's had since being a toddler and it's nice to have a fresh start in every sense of the word.
Just did it!

However this time round I have been going out with a wig over my bald nut mainly because my husband is not that keen on it.

I know that some religious people find shaved heads on a woman offensive because in the bible it says it is shameful for a woman to shave her head.
Just did it!

However this time round I have been going out with a wig over my bald nut mainly because my husband is not that keen on it.

I know that some religious people find shaved heads on a woman offensive because in the bible it says it is shameful for a woman to shave her head.

If the pic is of you, its very becoming, beautiful...:yep:
I've done it several times in my life. The first time I was about 14/15ish and caused quite a stir in my HS. The last time I was 20something. One thing I learned is that men luuuuvvvvved it! And luckily, I have a face for it. I wouldn't do it again at this point in my life though. I think I'm too old and fat to carry it off now.
IA, men flocked and I received many compliments. I was surprised by the number of Black men who appreciated the short cut.

Yeah, when I was younger (early 20's) my family used to try to say the same to me about women's hair and the Bible to make me feel guilty about shaving my head. However, they would not say that it was shameful, they would say that a woman's hair is her glory. I did my own research..
Yep. I shaved it all off about 6 years ago. 2 years later i relaxed it then after a while i transitioned for 2 years and here i am today :drunk:.
I would if I had too, so I chose maybe.

Thanks for sharing the article. Khayatollah is beautiful. I kind of want to see more of her tattoo though..
Right now my answer is no. My goal length is Fairytail Length, so big cuts are not in my hair's future. BUT I could imagine cutting it all off in a blind fury if my hair stops at a length I feel is too short LOL. Like if my hair stops at BSL I'm gonna be pi$$ed!
She's so cute! Love the lighter patch. And the a$$ tat lol. Woohoo for Pisces! We are some very interesting ppl. I want that necklace...

Oh how I loved my baldy!! Gotta find some pics. At the time I had between four and eight ear piercings and an infatuation with pretty earrings. I was forever in pearl studs. My maintenance was none lol. My moisturizer was water when I bathed. I brushed it and that's it. If I have any serious setbacks, I'm going straight back to my baldy. And the men lovvveeeddd my cut. They always wanted to touch it. And the barbers on campus gave me discounted cuts, let me ahead of their friends, etc. Ugh lemme get outta here. I've already been eyeing the scissors...

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I've done it before and I felt so free and easy and liberated.

The feel of my head in the shower with some shampoo suds was the best feeling in the world!!

I was told I looked like a pixie with my bald head before.

i would and i wish that i had when i bc. i dont think my head is the right shape for it, but i really wont ever know unless i do it. Since i'm growing it out, i dont foresee me ever doing it now, but who knows, if i live a long life, i'm sure that one day i may do so for one reason or another.
As much as I'm worrying about my ends and protective styling, etc i'd love to take some clippers to it now! my BC was traumatic enough but I see myself doing it when I'm much older.
I know that the few times I shaved my head always got me hit on more by guys and got me more compliments from people
I cut all of my hair off the first time in 1998 and the last, or should I say most recent time, was in 2009, and 7 other times between those two. It was a great experience, and one day I am likely to try it again.

I have nice almond eyes that are most noticeable when they aren't competing with my hair for attention. :-)