Would you ever do this to your scalp?

I guess I can't talk about her since I put onions on my scalp to grow my hair back. I have to think maybe she went bald then started using weave to cover it up, now she has to add tattoos.

If this is a case of traction alopecia, it is the worse I have ever seen. She needs to quit taking the pain, and take health
I would never do it, but I gotta admit that it doesnt look bad. It looks much better than bald edges or bad lace front weaves. But the baby hairs was a BIG NO!

The question is does tattooing permanently damage the follicles b/c u cud get scar tissue and then never regrow any hair...?? If I was Naomi I would shave it all off and keep shaving everything until it all grows back. She has the bone structure and attitude for a baldy.
No way. I thought for sure this was a joke. someone commented "I just don't understand. It seems wiser just to avoid the weaves/chemicals once one begins to notice hair loss, but maybe I'm missing something…" :lachen:
Boujoichic said:
No way. I thought for sure this was a joke. someone commented "I just don't understand. It seems wiser just to avoid the weaves/chemicals once one begins to notice hair loss, but maybe I'm missing something…" :lachen:

I think some ppl are weave addicts, she definitely is one. They keep on getting weaves to cover up the damage that the last weave did. She keeps talking about art, but I think she's more insecure than anything else.
She said she lost her hair from wearing extensions over the past 20/30 years so she is obviously not going to stop anytime soon. She found a solution that works. More power to her.

In her words:
geeessshhh, there is a resolve to hair loss that is not coming back...dont be embarrassed u wearing a weave...then wear a tatt 2...lol..so cool, u 20/30 yrs wearing weaves u prolly n the same shoe....4me it matters not...I ROCK whatever i wear...lol..jus not nappy...
This right here is a 5 car pile up, Tragedy. Like make an epic opera about this, and bring in the fat soprano...because nothing could be more tragic than this ratchetness right Here!

Bumbarasssss...mek her slap a wig pon ar head, an done. :nono:
But ... but ... if she's wearing the weaves/extensions to cover the bald head, why does she need the tattoo?! I don't understand. Thank G-d, I don't.

ETA: And she'll rock any style but "nappy?" :pray: Give me strength. So ... in other words, she'll wear fake hair until it pulls out her real hair, tattoo her scalp but won't wear what (presumably) grows out of her scalp naturally?
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She got that ugly mess on her head but got the nerve to say she'll wear whatever just not "nappy"!!!

She's "touched" and not by an angel.