Would you date this guy?


chile puleez...dat bama would get on my dayum nerves....sittin up der on you tube wif a green turtle shirt on....prolly had on flip flops wif husks on da bottom of his feet. i'd pass....
I wanted to like him, as I love the shirt (luv TMNT) but then he started talking . . .
He seems very anxious, but I hope that's because he's nervous about being on camera.
I wanted to like him, as I love the shirt (luv TMNT) but then he started talking . . .
He seems very anxious, but I hope that's because he's nervous about being on camera.
i watched a couple of his videos and he s so goofy he actually had me rolling my eyes :lol:
I think he's a nerd and doesn't know it. :lol:

Of course I'm sure some lady would consider herself lucky to have the chance :lol:
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He's not really geeky, he's very nerdy though. As long as he handles his business (pays his bills on time, has goals etc,) I could date him. I like nerds. He needs to calm down though. I would have to smack him.
I wonder if he's like that all the time, I mean hyper...

Idk I do want to like him, but not with all that jumping around all the time and constant Pokemon talk. Save it for down time, but I'm guessing from his "real life update" that he doesn't stop.
DaiseeDay said:
I wonder if he's like that all the time, I mean hyper...

Idk I do want to like him, but not with all that jumping around all the time and constant Pokemon talk. Save it for down time, but I'm guessing from his "real life update" that he doesn't stop.

DaiseeDay the real life update was so hard to watch seriously he was too much !,sometimes he acts like an annoying 12 year old some other times he s alright .
I only watched this video and as long as he is not shorter than me I would totally go out with him. I am excited like that around friends and family.
Maybe. He reminds me of an old friend of mine, a sweetheart. They even speak the same, which tells me he probably wore braces.

It wouldn't last if he acted like that all the time, though. I need him to forget about this Ninja Mutant Turtle business and be all about me when I'm around.

Sent from my iPad using LHCF...if only it would stop correcting what I write.
He's not really geeky, he's very nerdy though. As long as he handles his business (pays his bills on time, has goals etc,) I could date him. I like nerds. He needs to calm down though. I would have to smack him.

I couldn't. He is too high strung. I've never dated anyone all hyper and attention whoring like that.

ITA he's really annoying im going to need him to stfu and calm down.
I found this graph that breaks the difference between geek/dweeb/nerd/dork down...

Probably not. I don't mind the geeky interests, but I like men who have more control over the way they carry themselves.
I showed this to my sis and the first thing she said was no thanks why is he so hyper lol

Its nice he is so passionate about something he likes but dont think i could deal with it if he doesnt have a down time
I'm praying that he's only that hyped because he wants to be entertaining. If he was calmer, I would possibly give him a chance. My family is full of nerdy men with nerdy interests so his comic book/anime love I could deal with as long as he had other interests.

I guess the Answer is no since I'm trying to change him lol!
If this is only his hobby and we have things in common why not. There is someone out there for him, he will find her.