Would This Work or FAIL?


New Member
I'm currently mulling over what might be a brilliant idea or a plan for disaster.

As I was transitioning, my relaxed ends weighed down my natural hair and made it easier for me to see my 3c, pencil sized coils. I knew after I BCed they may not be as obvious without the weight of longer hair to bring them out.

NO, I'm not in texture denial. My pencil-sized coils are STILL present, long hair or short hair. I frizz them into a 4b fro, as seen in my album, because it's easier to get an even 4b fro than a curly one at my current length of 4". :perplexed

SO, because I know what my natural curls look like (I see them after every shower and every morning before I frizz them up) but still have a HECK of a time getting them to come out evenly (and yes, they do spring up everywhere, not just my crown) I began to wonder:

Could I texturize my 4" hair to match the texture of my 14" hair (when there's more weight to it, to bring out the curl)?

That way I could enjoy that texture more easily NOW. Then not texturize again.

As the texturized hair should match what's growing out, doing through gravity/weight-of-my-hair-as-it-grows what I could do now with a texturizer.

Have I essentially found a way to have my rice cake and eat it too? :yep:

Or will I be crying "FAIL"? :nono:

Well--it's a thought.
I don't know much about texturizers.
I guess it would depend on how much the texturizer relaxers your natural hair. Don't see why it wouldn't work--that's definitely something I'd try to do (for the sake of appearance if anything)

On another note,
Damn...I never thought having natural and relaxed hair on one head was THAT problematic. :wallbash: But I've never really dealth with my natural hair like that--so I guess that explains my ignorance.
And after reading the posts of natural heads I'm guessing it is bothersome when you want to style one way and can't because the relaxed hair won't cooperate. Or doesn't look right.
I don't know that this would work. It seems like the texture wouldn't match anyway, since you'd be stretching out the curl on the ends, and the stuff growing in would have a tighter curl.

Maybe you need to explore different product/styling options before trying this method? Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)
I don't know that this would work. It seems like the texture wouldn't match anyway, since you'd be stretching out the curl on the ends, and the stuff growing in would have a tighter curl.

Maybe you need to explore different product/styling options before trying this method? Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :)

The weight of the already "Stretched"/texturized ends would allow the curl to come in as it would if my hair was back to 14" -just natural/texlaxed this time, so this wouldn't be a problem. That's why I think this has the potential to let me "have my rice cake and eat it too".

Any other opinions ladies?
Lol at "rice cake"

It may work...but I think you should try other styles/techniques.

As your hair grows you will be having to work with technically 2 diff textures. The texturized hair may need one thing while the natural roots are needing another. :perplexed But in theory, it seems like you'd probably get the look that you want.
Lol at "rice cake"

It may work...but I think you should try other styles/techniques.

As your hair grows you will be having to work with technically 2 diff textures. The texturized hair may need one thing while the natural roots are needing another. :perplexed But in theory, it seems like you'd probably get the look that you want.

That's the risk. If I don't tex my ends to match what I know the new growth will look like, weighed down by the texlaxed ends, then I'll have that issue. Otherwise I'll have 4" of hair that looks like my hair does when I had 14" and the new growth will blend seemlessly. My question is how likely this is to work and if it's feasible.

Thank you, everyone for your replies. Any other thoughts?

Bumping! :perplexed

Help me!

Tasukete, onegai!

Ayudame, por favor!

Bumping! :perplexed

Help me!

Tasukete, onegai!

Ayudame, por favor!

Hmmm...I understand in principle what your saying, but I don't know if it will work out as planned. Have you tried twisting or banding the shorter part? Sometimes, depending of the style and section of hair, I have to scrunch some parts while applying more product to others to blend its appearance. Hope that helps.
I think doing this would be interesting. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but in my opinion it's like putting braces on a three year old when they haven't even started losing teeth yet. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The hair you texturize may not even curl - then you'll end up with some hair that hasn't even been classified yet :nono:

I think you already have the answer to your question, but may need a little nudging from us; however, I honestly can't say you should try something that I've never seen done before. I think you'd be taking a huge leap of faith.

As my pastor says, "HURRY UP & WAIT" :yep:
Aaaauuuggghhh, I did this same exact thing when I grew out my hair natural the first time!!

It didn't work for my hair. :nono: I'm worried that your hair will be like mine and lose some of the curls on the ends...ie, when it grows out, your ends will be kinda stringy and the middle will be nice beautiful waves and curlies. you don't want to miss out on the curly ends 'cause they helped me do twist out sand have more curl definition. I ended up having to cut those 3-4 inches off so my WnG would come out decent looking....

Are none of the curl definition products working for you? I would try to just manage with new products vs the chemicals...if you don't like it, you will end up sacrificing these inches...

I'm attempting to pass this awkward stage by transitioning this time with full length instead of doing a BC...we'll see how long that lasts:ohwell:
Hmmm...I understand in principle what your saying, but I don't know if it will work out as planned. Have you tried twisting or banding the shorter part? Sometimes, depending of the style and section of hair, I have to scrunch some parts while applying more product to others to blend its appearance. Hope that helps.

My hair does't scrunch. :lachen:I either let the real curls pop (but then they take too much time to get to pop evenly. Or...I fuzz it into a 4b fro and go.

I think doing this would be interesting. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but in my opinion it's like putting braces on a three year old when they haven't even started losing teeth yet. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The hair you texturize may not even curl - then you'll end up with some hair that hasn't even been classified yet :nono:

I think you already have the answer to your question, but may need a little nudging from us; however, I honestly can't say you should try something that I've never seen done before. I think you'd be taking a huge leap of faith.

As my pastor says, "HURRY UP & WAIT" :yep:

Yeah...I'm trying to do some risk asessment here....Hrm. Things don't seem to be going in the texturizer's favor. :ohwell:

Aaaauuuggghhh, I did this same exact thing when I grew out my hair natural the first time!!

It didn't work for my hair. :nono: I'm worried that your hair will be like mine and lose some of the curls on the ends...ie, when it grows out, your ends will be kinda stringy and the middle will be nice beautiful waves and curlies. you don't want to miss out on the curly ends 'cause they helped me do twist out sand have more curl definition. I ended up having to cut those 3-4 inches off so my WnG would come out decent looking....

Are none of the curl definition products working for you? I would try to just manage with new products vs the chemicals...if you don't like it, you will end up sacrificing these inches...

I'm attempting to pass this awkward stage by transitioning this time with full length instead of doing a BC...we'll see how long that lasts:ohwell:

THIS is why I'm glad I asked. The risk is it'll be too straight and not blend in with the new growth. I know how loose to let it get to match my new growth when stretched by the weight of having more hair...but the gamble is if I can nail it that one time and get it right. I don't want to texturize again after the initial tex. Hrm.....

I may need to keep looking for a better leave-in than condish and the millions of other ones I've tried.

One final bump. Any texlaxed or texturized heads have opinions?
I vote...

I don't think it'll work, because of proportions.

You had what, 14" of relaxed hair pulling down 3" of new growth? So, that's about 4 inches of relaxed hair, for 1 inch of new growth.

I think it'll work until you have more than one inch of new growth - and that's assuming that you texturize it PERFECTLY to match your previous curl - but once you have more than one inch of new growth, the tex'd hair isn't going to be 'heavy' enough to pull down the NG the way you want it too - and the more NG you have, the less it's going to pull, and you'll end up with 'semistraight' ends and curly roots.


I think its' a good idea - but I don't think it'll work.
I don't think it'll work, because of proportions.

You had what, 14" of relaxed hair pulling down 3" of new growth? So, that's about 4 inches of relaxed hair, for 1 inch of new growth.

I think it'll work until you have more than one inch of new growth - and that's assuming that you texturize it PERFECTLY to match your previous curl - but once you have more than one inch of new growth, the tex'd hair isn't going to be 'heavy' enough to pull down the NG the way you want it too - and the more NG you have, the less it's going to pull, and you'll end up with 'semistraight' ends and curly roots.


I think its' a good idea - but I don't think it'll work.

This is a VERY good point.

FAIL it is.

Thank you ladies!