Would or Did You Marry Someone With BAD Credit? Do You...


Well-Known Member
...yourself have bad credit and your husband married you anyway? Whats your opinion on the credit and marriage issue?
My credit is jacked up.....:nono: I don't want Boo (cuz he's gon have good credit) to have to fix my financial mess...so I'm trying to clean that mess up now.

I believe if one person has bad credit and the other has good credit they both can work towards restoring the bad credit. :yep: Now, the bad credit person can't go into the marriage without changing his/her none bill paying ways though.:look:
My SO has average credit. But he came from bad credit last year. We both monitor it together. Every credit report it gets better.

But marriage? I'm a scardy cat so I can't even think about that right now regardless of bad or good credit.
If you'd asked me 6 months ago I would've voted no.

But recent developements have changed my POV. So now my stance is this...

As with MANY things when considering marriage, it all depends. The person with bad credit, who knows nothing about credit and continues to create more bad credit and (most importantly!) is unwilling to dig in to fix said bad credit is a NO in terms of marriage potential.

But the person with bad credit who is otherwise good with money, knows/understands their situation and the credit "game" and is determined to do whatever it takes to fix it? Let's go!

I have this new POV because someone close to me recently hit the credit skids. She's had a 700 score for most of her adult life. THen got involved in a "can't lose" lawsuit... but lost and now is dealing with the resulting fallout. One part being a HUGE hit on her credit. Knowing her character and her mindset towards her finances I couldn't dismiss her as marriage potential because of this. She is going to dig herself out from under. For her - there is no other option.

So again... it just depends!
It is extremely important. I don't plan to enter marriage with a bad score, if I can help it and I believe he should not either. With that said, neither one of us will put a marriage off due to numbers but we have to both be actively working on it and at least in avg to good shape.
If you'd asked me 6 months ago I would've voted no.

But recent developements have changed my POV. So now my stance is this...

As with MANY things when considering marriage, it all depends. The person with bad credit, who knows nothing about credit and continues to create more bad credit and (most importantly!) is unwilling to dig in to fix said bad credit is a NO in terms of marriage potential.

But the person with bad credit who is otherwise good with money, knows/understands their situation and the credit "game" and is determined to do whatever it takes to fix it? Let's go!

I have this new POV because someone close to me recently hit the credit skids. She's had a 700 score for most of her adult life. THen got involved in a "can't lose" lawsuit... but lost and now is dealing with the resulting fallout. One part being a HUGE hit on her credit. Knowing her character and her mindset towards her finances I couldn't dismiss her as marriage potential because of this. She is going to dig herself out from under. For her - there is no other option.

So again... it just depends!

I agree. I knew my ex bf's credit score because I pulled his report for him. But it wasn't until I lived with him that I saw why his credit was so screwed up and it was totally all his doing. He's flat out irresponsible financially and if I'd have married him, lawd have mercy, I would have been in some shyt. :nono:
I think the person with bad credit should be making strides to not enter the union with bad credit. If said person is not doing those things, then marriage probably isn't the way to go.
I depends on the reason for bad credit. If there was a illness, job loss, divorce or other event that can cause a financial set back, then no I would not hold a lower score against anyone. I been there myself, so I could not hold a lower score against anyone for those reasons. As long as the person was actively trying to improve their score, I could most definitely marry them. I would hope that no one would hold it against me that I did not have a high 700+ score considering my past circumstances.
I did, my ex husband had horrible credit. I was in love............. My credit stayed good because whe had no shared debt. He defaulted on a student loan and some Fingerhut BS, owed city taxes and some other crap.

NEVA again.
It depends on why the credit was bad to begin with. I think that holding a credit score/report over a person's head isn't really a fair reason NOT to marry a person. If the person was a deadbeat, didn't work, didn't manage their money, were flat out irresponsible....you shouldn't be dating or considering marriage with them anyway. I think it shouldn't just be a flat out NO though.

Outside of that, I'm not saying to settle, I'm just saying that its one more way to exclude the person of your dreams perhaps. I definitely think you should hold your standards and high and get the person you want in life but the more selection criteria you put on a person, well the less you get to select from.
I wouldn't.

I guess it depends, was it a Bankruptcy that he has long recovered from but because it won't be erased for 10 years he still has bad credit? Was it because he owned a business but didn't make it an LLC and so he went down with it? It depends.

Apart from the above, if I found out early in the relationship and I really liked the guy I'd tell him to take the next 2 years of our dating to clean up his act or else we'd have to call it quits. You just don't trip and fall into bad credit. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
My credit is amazing, so, no, I am not marrying someone with bad credit ever. I don't care that bad credit can be fixed. Except for circumstances involving a ridiculously amazing benefit to me (ex; he's Prince of somewhere, with a net worth at least in the tens of millions, and he wants to marry me without a prenupt), he needs to go fix himself on his own time while I find someone financially responsible.
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It depends on why the credit was bad to begin with. I think that holding a credit score/report over a person's head isn't really a fair reason NOT to marry a person. If the person was a deadbeat, didn't work, didn't manage their money, were flat out irresponsible....you shouldn't be dating or considering marriage with them anyway. I think it shouldn't just be a flat out NO though.

Outside of that, I'm not saying to settle, I'm just saying that its one more way to exclude the person of your dreams perhaps. I definitely think you should hold your standards and high and get the person you want in life but the more selection criteria you put on a person, well the less you get to select from.

ITA with this :yep: