Would/Have You Put Cucumber in Your Hair?


Well-Known Member
Forget two-in-one Pert Plus!

A fusion of one fresh peeled lemon and one peeled cucumber in your blender can be massaged into your hair and rinsed thoroughly for a rockin' natural take on the two-in-one. The cucumber acts as a conditioning agent, and the lemon as a cleansing agent - a perfect pair!


Shine Amplifier

Blend one egg, half a cup of olive oil, and half of a peeled, chopped cucumber. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, and rinse out.


Drink for hair growth or use this hair recipe to minimize chlorine water damage: http://www.beautyandgroomingtips.com/2006/07/cucumber-for-beauty-and-health.html


Cucumber hair rinses:

1. Mix equal parts of vinegar (I would use a lot less - maybe a capful), cucumber juice and water. Leave in hair for 15 minutes then rinse
2.Take the juice of one cucumber, apply to the hair and rinse out after 10 minutes.

Please blend well first :perplexed

Cucumber Conditioning Deep Treatment

You will need:
1/2 Cucumber (peeled)
1 tbsp. EVOO
1 tbsp. Grapeseed Oil
1 tbsp. Flaxseed Oil
1/4 cup Coconut Milk
1/4 cup of your favorite conditioner
(I use Herbal Essence Hydralicious)

Blend the cucumber very well until it forms a loose, liquid paste (you can blend manually but I recommend using a blender, it's much faster). Mix with coconut milk and conditioner until well uniformed. Add oils and viola! Apply to wet or damp hair and add conditioner cap. Leave on hair for at least 1 hour. Rinse and style as usual. Feel a difference?

Cucumber Hair Refresher

You will need:
1/2 Cucumber (peeled)
1/2-1 cup Distilled or Filtered Water
3 tbsp. of your Favorite Veggie or Fruit based Oils
(my blend consists of grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, EVOO and hemp seed oil)
2 tbsp. brewed Green Tea
2 tbsp. Coconut Milk
1 Vitamin E capsule (to preserve mixture)
cheesecloth or strainer with small, tight holes

This is simple, of course you'll need to brew your green tea. While doing that, blend cucumber well in blender until almost a liquid. Strain through a cheesecloth or strainer. Add to your spray bottle and once the green tea has cooled, add to spray bottle as well as all other ingredients. Mix well and it's ready to use. Use this to refresh a TWA or SA (small afro), twisted styles, or just to give your hair a light, moisturizing boost when needed.

:grin: happy to see this thread. I was just in the grocery store today thinking to myself is there a use for this cucumber (well I think that about almost all unprocessed foods lol). I will be trying the egg/evoo/cucumber mixture very soon!
great info!

thanks, vkb247!

i've been drinking cucumber juice for over a year now (off and on, depending on schedule, so more off..lately) and wondering if it could be applied directly to hair, as i knew it worked great applied to the skin.

now i have a really good reason to get the cucumbers back into the diet and ON my hair too!

just fab!

hhj ladies!