Would a protein treatment help with shedding?


New Member
As per the title.

Im still having serious hair fall/shedding and wondered whether a protein treatment might help at all?

My hair is natural. I use no heat or chemicals.

Many thanks

I have used both Nexxus Emergencee and Joico K- pak. I like both, if I had to choose I would choose K-pak. Oh, I'm not natural. I'm relaxed.
Dual said:
As per the title.

Im still having serious hair fall/shedding and wondered whether a protein treatment might help at all?

My hair is natural. I use no heat or chemicals.

Many thanks


With breakage yes. With shedding no. Most shedding is hormonal or an "inside job." Stuff that you apply to your strands will not actually effect the hair follicles or reason that you are shedding.

For instance I am shedding like a dog right now and I know it is because I am not getting adequate vitamins. Make sure all your daily vitamin needs are being met and you are keeping your stress levels low.
Thanks ladies

I am taking vitamins, have been for the last 2 months so maybe its early days yet. I just added a specific Iron supplement into the vitamin mix.

I dont feel stressed, everyone keeps saying it maybe stress but I dont know from what? Im stressed about me losing my hair! :perplexed

I am losing in excess of 200 strands a day, its phenominal. I just touch my hair and it comes out in my hands. I am also having breakage which was pointed out to me by a friend, i just didnt focus on the breakage as I was busy looking at the shedding issues.

But I hear what you are saying about it being hormonal and from "within". Ive also had bloodwork done and the doctor said all is within the normal ranges.

Im popping so many vitamins/supplements at the moment rattle when I move!
Dual said:
Thanks ladies

I am taking vitamins, have been for the last 2 months so maybe its early days yet. I just added a specific Iron supplement into the vitamin mix.

I dont feel stressed, everyone keeps saying it maybe stress but I dont know from what? Im stressed about me losing my hair! :perplexed

I am losing in excess of 200 strands a day, its phenominal. I just touch my hair and it comes out in my hands. I am also having breakage which was pointed out to me by a friend, i just didnt focus on the breakage as I was busy looking at the shedding issues.

But I hear what you are saying about it being hormonal and from "within". Ive also had bloodwork done and the doctor said all is within the normal ranges.

Im popping so many vitamins/supplements at the moment rattle when I move!

I would personally stop them all. Maybe you are getting too much of something?

I would stick with the basics and add them slowly one at a time. That way you can see how your body is reacting to something. It may just be going through seasonal shedding which can happen from changes in the weather/season? Or maybe it is that good old fashion stress.

Either way it goes, if you are healthy and it is just shedding, I would ride it out for a while. This too shall pass. I was shedding like a dog in November 2006, and I decided to let it ride out and guess what-it did. Good luck mama!:)
What kind of vitamins are you currently taking? It may just be that you are getting too much of something, and most likely it's not a B vitamin, since the excesses of those are excreted.

If you are losing hair to the point to where all you have to do is touch your hair, then there is definitely need for concern! Is it shedding, or breakage? If you are just shedding a lot perhaps you have recently begain to take something that is changing your hormones (e.g. birth control)? Or perhaps you have anemia.

My hair used to shed a lot after i got a relaxer. I guess that was due to it being overprocessed? Now that I have begun to get my hair professionally done, it has gotten a little better, but what has helped the most was the moisture that I put into my hair. I used to be on this whole oil-free ordeal, where I would try to keep my hair as free-moving as possible, but that wasn't doing much for the health of my strands because they became weak and would constantly shed, and break easily. When I used a protein spray, it helped with the shedding significantly.

Good luck, i hope it gets better!