Worst Hair Care Advice Ever

SunRai Naturals

Well-Known Member
What is the worst hair care advice you ever received? Would you take hair care advice from someone with struggling hair?

Here is mine:
I recently braided my natural hair in small box braids. My co-worker ran down her list (which I didn't ask for) about the different things that I could do to my hair while in these braids. Then she said “you could even run the flat iron on it.” *silence-I had to process what she actually said* I asked her why in the world would I flat iron braids?! She said “so that it will lie down and won’t be as puffy”. UMMM NO THANK YOU! It’s a protective style for a reason.

She is also natural but she doesn't retain any length because she won’t let go of hair care practices that don’t work. When I shaved my hair off bald in ’09, her hair was at least 6 inches longer than mine. Now I’m a few inches away from waist length and her hair is LESS than 6 inches long. HERE IS THE KICKER-She is always trying to give me advice! The other day she told me that I needed to cut my ends because they were bushy….UMMMM my hair has no curl or coil pattern and I’m natural so my hair is going to bush. I dust and trim my hair when needed so I’m like really?! I’m sorry but I will never take any advice from a person whose hair is breaking off and struggling. She can take that advice and have a STADIUM of seats!!
When I got my hair braided by Africans I was told not to wash it and it would last longer....say what? most people keep braids 2-3 months before they take then down.

I have also had people tell me i wash my hair too much and am stripping it of moisture and natural oils. Meanwhile they have no hair and mine continues to creep down my back.

Dirty hair grows better?! Wtf and meanwhile your hair look dry, crispy and smells sour.
When I got my hair braided by Africans I was told not to wash it and it would last longer....say what? most people keep braids 2-3 months before they take then down.

I have also had people tell me i wash my hair too much and am stripping it of moisture and natural oils. Meanwhile they have no hair and mine continues to creep down my back.

Dirty hair grows better?! Wtf and meanwhile your hair look dry, crispy and smells sour.

LOL! Craziness!
The worst braid advice that I got was to snip the little pieces of hair that stick out once the hair is finished. TERRIBLE ADVICE since that's your hair own that you're snipping away at.


Reading a little tidbit of advice (on why I shouldn't let them do that) on here three years ago got my $6.50.
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The worst braid advice that I got was to snip the little pieces of hair that stick out once the hair is finished. TERRIBLE ADVICE since that's your hair own that you're snipping away at.


Reading that little tidbit of advice on here three years ago got my $6.50.

Yes and when they run FIRE up and down the braid to burn those pieces off. Horrible hair care practice.
I don't understand telling a newly BCed natural that the hair is in shock. Hair is dead, it's not going to "act" dry or moisturized as a result of the cut, whether one dusted 1/8 inch or chopped off 14 inches.

I get that the hair can be prone to dryness after a BC especially if they focused their previous moisturizing on their ends (which are gone after the BC) but the hair is shocked? Unless they literally stuck their finger in a socket...I don't think so.
Yes and when they run FIRE up and down the braid to burn those pieces off. Horrible hair care practice.

:lol: I can't believe I used to let them do that - oil sheen and all! :couchfire:

I think the worst involves not washing your hair for months at a time. Treating your like a plant with the "dirt makes it grow" nonsense.
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When I complained to my old hairdresser about the dryness of my hair, she told me to use Fantasia IC serum to moisturize it. No wonder it was always dry. :nono:
brown gel for everything---lolol and remember stiff stuff...smdhhhh
hair was harda than a helmet--to bloodclet
I'm transitioning and having a baby soon so I'm trying to find a protective style I like... Some one told me extension braids because i didnt have to do anything to them... I said we'll I like the idea but I would need to wash my hair and I don't know how to keep them from getting fuzzy and puffy after a few washes... They said no you don't wash them, you just spray braid spray until you take them out!... I said so if I keep them in a month I'm not supposed to wash my hair... They said no, I keep mine in for 3months and just spray it!!!!!!
My last stylist, who inspired me go on a HHJ because she was a ditz, told me that if I don't comb my hair, it will fall out. I gave her a "ain't nobody got time for that" face and told her to explain though I knew she couldn't speak English. I told her I combed my hair 2x a day and wasn't wearing my hair out anymore. She said I need to comb my hair 5x a day or more to get out the tangles because if I don't my hair will continue to break and fall out. I said "your kidding me, right?" And she really said no, I need to comb more!

Actually, the problem was that she never gave me a protein treatment and she was the reason my hair was falling out. But to comb so many times a day? That was the worse. I still only comb 2x a day.

Sent from my Gramatically Incorrect iPhone
When I complained to my old hairdresser about the dryness of my hair, she told me to use Fantasia IC serum to moisturize it. No wonder it was always dry. :nono:

I wonder why stylists always recommend glossing polishes and sprays when you ask them about a moisturizer? Those cones will do the complete opposite.
I don't understand telling a newly BCed natural that the hair is in shock. Hair is dead, it's not going to "act" dry or moisturized as a result of the cut, whether one dusted 1/8 inch or chopped off 14 inches.

I get that the hair can be prone to dryness after a BC especially if they focused their previous moisturizing on their ends (which are gone after the BC) but the hair is shocked? Unless they literally stuck their finger in a socket...I don't think so.

Are there other emotions people have seen their hair expressing? Boredom, disdain?....what?
Long ago, when I was natural, someone told me that if you pull tightly on the hair as you straighten it with the pressing comb, it will grow out of the scalp faster......
Long ago, when I was natural, someone told me that if you pull tightly on the hair as you straighten it with the pressing comb, it will grow out of the scalp faster......

I am imaging those barbie dolls with the extendable hair. You can cut it and then when your tired of the short do you just pull the hair out of the scalp and it gets longer hahahahahahaha
I wonder why stylists always recommend glossing polishes and sprays when you ask them about a moisturizer? Those cones will do the complete opposite.
A lot of them are more concerned about the appearance of the hair than the actual health so they'll recommend products that only make the hair look shiny and hydrated. It irks me now that I know better. She would always mention my dryness and split ends then go on to recommend a product with not one drop of aqua. :lol:
What is the worst hair care advice you ever received? Would you take hair care advice from someone with struggling hair?

Here is mine:
I recently braided my natural hair in small box braids. My co-worker ran down her list (which I didn't ask for) about the different things that I could do to my hair while in these braids. Then she said “you could even run the flat iron on it.” *silence-I had to process what she actually said* I asked her why in the world would I flat iron braids?! She said “so that it will lie down and won’t be as puffy”. UMMM NO THANK YOU! It’s a protective style for a reason.

She is also natural but she doesn't retain any length because she won’t let go of hair care practices that don’t work. When I shaved my hair off bald in ’09, her hair was at least 6 inches longer than mine. Now I’m a few inches away from waist length and her hair is LESS than 6 inches long. HERE IS THE KICKER-She is always trying to give me advice! The other day she told me that I needed to cut my ends because they were bushy….UMMMM my hair has no curl or coil pattern and I’m natural so my hair is going to bush. I dust and trim my hair when needed so I’m like really?! I’m sorry but I will never take any advice from a person whose hair is breaking off and struggling. She can take that advice and have a STADIUM of seats!!

Long ago, when I was natural, someone told me that if you pull tightly on the hair as you straighten it with the pressing comb, it will grow out of the scalp faster......

Just when you think you've heard it all:nono:
These may fall under the "Southern myths" category, but mine are:

-Don't wash your hair during "that time of the month" because it will fall out

-Only get your hair done by someone who has "growing hands"
1. Any advice that comes from someone who doesn't know how to take care of their own hair is usually worthless/bad.

2. Any advice that comes from someone who thinks "one size fits all" is usually bad.
I was told that deep conditioning will break your hair you should just leave your hair alone it will grow ermmmm okayy coming from a girl with damaged hair :/

Braiding your hair line will make it grow :perplexed
My former beautician told me that everyone's hair (meaning my kinky 4b hair) is not meant to be natural :ohwell:, and that if I did go natural my hair would dry out and not grow.

Of course I was deeply concerned with her logic. I quit her that very day.

That was back in 2008.
I will never forget.
