Worst experience at JC Penny salon.


Well-Known Member
I am so pissed off right now I don't know where to go. I recently relocated to Texas and was due for a relaxer touch up as I am 12 weeks post relaxer. I had a hard enough time trying to find a salon that could offer me the butter blend mizani relaxer in sensitive scalp that my former stylist has used on me with great results.
She told me to tell any future stylist that my hair can only handle sensitive only as I am easy to get an irritated scalp and the likelihood of scalp damage and burning. I told this to the stylist and the manager two weeks before I was to set foot in this salon. They apparently use Mizani butter blend ( which later I find out was a total lie) I even called the day before to confirm and was told that she couldn't check right then if they in fact had sensitive scalp but told me she would look further in the back at a later time, and if they did not have it they would go purchase it.

Okay no biggie I thought. So I get to the salon to meet a stylist I have never had any chemical services with and tell her what was agreed upon regarding my service. I even see a note attached to her window telling her about a client that was requesting sensitive with a portion of my name that I can read. She's says without even going back to check " We ain't got that" Excuse me? So much for proper grammar. She then says well I'll just use the mild.

This girl doesn't even properly base my scalp before application, attempted to text on her phone while applying the relaxer, stops during application several times to do god knows what. This was all while her complaining about why do you get a relaxer every 3 months? My hair doesn't need anything sooner. I have always gone every 11-12 weeks with no problem. My response was I don't like alot of chemicals in my hair sooner than that. My former stylist was in agreement with me my hair didn't need relaxers any sooner than that. It's just never been a problem with my fine textured hair.

Within a 6 min time frame my the back of my scalp is literally burning. I know this because I timed this entire ordeal. I knew something was not right and she was messing up stuff because I don't have reactions like this to relaxers when they are applied correctly. I can go the entire time with no burning. I question the strength of the relaxer and her application techniques. It's like she was purposely putting that crap on my scalp and not the roots. I didn't want to take the risk of her damaging my hair as it was obvious she didn't know what she was doing so I told her I'm really hurting either speed this up or go ahead and rinse this ish out.

My hair is very underprocessed throughout my hair at the roots in so many places it ain't funny. I have never had such a crappy experience at a salon before. My hair was sticky and crunchy because she used too much of some setting solution I have never heard before. I asked to not go heavy handed and she caught an attitude with me. I saw her pick up some scissors and I said please don't even bother trimming it. I found it interesting to note that everyone who came in for a relaxer that I had the privilege of watching sat for an extended time with the relaxer in their hair while just sitting in the chair talking or waiting for their stylist to come back. I can only wonder how much damage was being done. One lady sat in the chair 35 min from the time the relaxer started going in her hair from the time they stopped talking. Her hair was not even long and I know not that darn resistant. My former stylist doesn't do that. She works the product in smooths it and off to the bowl we go in a 15 min time frame.

I have decided to just fly back home to my former stylist and see if I can get her to fix this disaster and do my trim. Is two weeks too soon to try to correct the underproccessed areas? I'm going on vacation and don't want jacked up looking hair. Ugh I am so pissed off. I left without giving and tip which I never do. However I am used to excellent and professional service which warrants a tip and a nice one.

I am so done with any new stylists or wannabe's. I don't trust too many folks to properly apply chemicals so I'll will booking plane trips back home for as long as I stay in this area.
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I'm sorry that happened to you. Do you have any pics? I'm sure some of the other ladies have some advice that can help you recover easily. *big hug*
Sorry that happened to you. I was in a similar position years ago while trying out a new stylist that had been recommended by a classmate.

I have not worn relaxed hair in years but I also ended up flying home every 3 months to let my old stylist relax my hair. It took me a a very long time to find a new stylist that I trusted in NYC.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Do you have any pics? I'm sure some of the other ladies have some advice that can help you recover easily. *big hug*

Thanks for the concern. I will if I can find my dang camera. Most of my stuff is still in boxes.

Sorry that happened to you. I was in a similar position years ago while trying out a new stylist that had been recommended by a classmate.

I have not worn relaxed hair in years but I also ended up flying home every 3 months to let my old stylist relax my hair. It took me a a very long time to find a new stylist that I trusted in NYC.

Yeah I'm going home in two weeks. Just talked to my former stylist. She wants to see my hair upfront and will decide the best course of action. I trust her and her opinions.

I was so made I'm almost slipped up and said ''**** give me them damn scissors" Like I'm going to actually let you trim my hair. Girl please.
Girl. Not to steal your thread but I can absolutely top your JCPenney salon experience - I left with scalp burns that had to be treated by a doctor and my scalp was so sore I couldn't turn my head without pain. My hair was overprocessed and crunchy like yours. To add insult to injury the stylist (of course) turned my trim into a ratchet *** mullet cut taking me from below SL to CL and NL hair. *shudders* The memory make me angry all over again.

In any event, to answer your question - I say yes two weeks is too soon to do a corrective, especially considering your scalp is sensitive. I would much rather deal with underprocessed hair than cause permanent scalp damage or retard any future hair growth due to scalp trauma from repeated relaxer exposure. I'm so sorry JC Penney claimed yet another victim, and I wish you the best!
II even see a note attached to her window telling her about a client that was requesting sensitive with a portion of my name that I can read. She's says without even going back to check " We ain't got that"

I would have walked out right here, especially if the selling point of using the salon is that you were told on repeat that they had exactly what you wanted.

When I was relaxed, I had no problems with touch ups at the JCP salon. But I let my stylist know up front that I would take her recommendations but I had the final say on what went on my head.
Didn't have what you agreed to + bad attitude = just leave

Sorry it happened, but you should have left.
curlicarib said:
Didn't have what you agreed to + bad attitude = just leave

Sorry it happened, but you should have left.

ITA ^^^
The second she gave you an attitude you should have walked out.

Hope you find a better stylist in the area that can help you. Maybe you can ask LHCF members that live in your area for a salon recommendation. When I was relaxed I used to do my own touch ups every 4 months. Maybe it's something you can consider doing yourself.

Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.

sent thru my iPhone
That's why I am 2000 miles away from where I once stayed and decided to self relax my hair, I was told before I got here not to let these Mexicans touch my hair or I will be bald headed, I rather take chances by myself and I will watch so many videos on relaxing its not funny, I feel I got it down packed and I will be timing it. I will be doing the two parts in the back and my SO other helping me out in the back, I am sorry for what happened to you, good thing your not bald tho
Do you think you could learn how to take your own hair care into your hands. You're on a board full of "do it yourselfers" (DIYs)
Do you think you could learn how to take your own hair care into your hands. You're on a board full of "do it yourselfers" (DIYs)

I do. I will do anything but mess with chemicals. I take care of my hair with all deep conditioning and wash and sets etc. The most I will do is peroxide and amonia free clear rinse from time to time. This person has no clue to what she was doing. I'm better sticking with folks I know who know what they are doing in regards to relaxers. My hair was in a good state before this experience and I am praying I don't suffer damage which I didn't have before this. My scalp feels better. I came home and washed my hair with neutralizer shampoo just in case because I didn't truly trust she got all the chemical residue out. Threw a sulfate creamy shampoo on after and deep conditioned with a bit of olive oil thrown in with my usual mix of deep conditioners. I deep conditioned for a solid hour and applied my leave in conditioner/detangler and set my hair. I'm under the dryer letting it dry as we speak.

My former stylist called me at home a few hours after she got my message and told me to come in when I could get back there in two weeks and she will assess the condition of my hair. She told me that if she does do a corrective relaxer it would only be left on for a few minutes on the underprocessed hair only. She also told me to to be extra gentle with my hair at the point of underprocessed and relaxed and do some light protein treatments to my relaxed hair only in case she does the corrective relaxer.

She also said judging by how the relaxer was feeling in such a short time the chick used Regular instead. I am reporting her to the Texas board of cosmetology. She better hope my hair doesn't start breaking in the two weeks before I see my stylist.
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The salon is the Meyerland Plaza JC Penney. Don't bother going there that is unless you value the health of your hair and a pleasant experience. Very unprofessional group.
:( nooooo, i'm so sorry this happened to ya. when people don't do what we ask with our hair or it doesn't come out right it can make us feel like crap. i hope you don't suffer any ill effects and that your old stylist can correct it. she gave you good advice about light protein treatments and such till you travel back in 2wks. i have to be honest...if they didn't have what i asked for paired with an attitude, i would have made like a ball and bounced! reporting this salon is a good idea maybe also contact the state department of consumer affairs as well as the better business bureau.
Sorry this happened to you. You did the right thing by rewashing with neutralizer shampoo. I really suggest you try learning to do your own touchups, or at least with a friend to help you. You can practice the application with conditioner and I promise it is relatively easy. Good luck to you.
I'm very sorry this happened to you. In the times when I was under processed, my stylist concluded it was best to wait until my next TU to correct. The correction was done by pulling the relaxer through the under processed areas the last 5 mins of processing.
VelvetRain said:
The salon is the Meyerland Plaza JC Penney. Don't bother going there that is unless you value the health of your hair and a pleasant experience. Very unprofessional group.

Omg. I know exactly where that is. I know of a few places you can go to. I'll get the info together to pm you.
OP, if you don't mind me asking, which JC Penney was this? The one over in Meyerland or the one in Humble? It's a couple people I know that work at those 2 locations. JC Penney was trying to recruit us years ago back in Cosmetology, but we heard the bad complaints about them. They've had a bad rep for a few years now.
Hi Velvet - I am so sorry to hear that happened to you - I see you mentioned Meyerland Plaza - it sounds like you are in Houston - if that is the case, I can refer you to a great stylist - she doesn't use Mizani Butter Blends - but uses Syntonics No Lye - she is a little expensive and very much worth it - she will have a consultation with you before starting on your hair and very knowledgeable (u can tell I am impressed) - She great with natural and relaxed hair - let me know if you would like her information - she has a website and FB page...
I have had fairly good experiences with JCPenney over the years. There was that time when I called for a relaxer with a new stylist and when I got there, it was a Latina woman and she was like, "Oh! I didn't know you were going to be black!"

They called all over looking for someone who could do my relaxer. Then finally they gave up and she was like "Oh, all right... I guess I'll do it!" Like it was some big sacrifice on her part.

And I was like, "No, you won't!"

ANYWAY... what I did find this weekend is that JCPenney has amazing prices on KeraCare. The oil sheen for 6 dollars when you buy other products. I think I paid 11 for the restorative masque. I have been paying a LOT more for these products at Ulta!

Probably that's the best use of JCPenney at this point. Heh.
I have had fairly good experiences with JCPenney over the years. There was that time when I called for a relaxer with a new stylist and when I got there, it was a Latina woman and she was like, "Oh! I didn't know you were going to be black!"

They called all over looking for someone who could do my relaxer. Then finally they gave up and she was like "Oh, all right... I guess I'll do it!" Like it was some big sacrifice on her part.

And I was like, "No, you won't!"

ANYWAY... what I did find this weekend is that JCPenney has amazing prices on KeraCare. The oil sheen for 6 dollars when you buy other products. I think I paid 11 for the restorative masque. I have been paying a LOT more for these products at Ulta!

Probably that's the best use of JCPenney at this point. Heh.

Yep, that's where I get all my Keracare stuff. But I refuse to go to the salon for any services. I had a consultation with one of the stylists for a possible relaxer, but when I told her I was looking for a good sulfate free shampoo her eyes glazed over and she started looking confused. Then, she started offering me shampoos that were not sulfate free, which showed she didn't know the difference(even though it was right there on the back of the bottle!) I thanked her for her time, purchased my Keracare, and left. OP, I hope everything works out with your corrective.
Oh my!! I'm sorry this happened to you. Did you post on the board before you went? I know there are some great stylist here in Houston and none of them are at JCP.
JCPenny's strikes again!!!! I hate that you had to find out about them the hard way. I had a great stylist at one in Hampton, VA so I was confident going to another JCPenny salon when I moved. I decided to flat iron my hair (after more than 1 1/2 no heat) and wanted a "dusting" of my ends. I wasn't sure if "dusting" was a hair board term so I changed it to "slightly clip my ends" or "slightly trim my ends". Notice "slightly" was used in each phrase. When I left that *****, Yung" had CUT my hair from MBL to just past shoulder length. I was HOT!!!!! Then this fool had the nerve to say "you come back next week, I do protein treatment for you.". I said "oh no, I will not be back".

I will not go back to JCPenny for any salon services!!!
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VelvetRain, I'm sorry this happened to you and please do not feel as if we are scolding you:naughty: but I hope this is a lesson you will carry with you as long as you are relaxed and even if you decide to transition to natural.

You have EVERY RIGHT to walk away.I've done it and I hate confrontations but it is not worth it to me the breakage,shedding, etc that I know will come just because I did not walk away.

Second, as a relaxed head, if you change stylist, you have to get a consultation. period.I live in Canada and I don't know whether JCPenney offers a consultation but a relaxer is an important chemical service that changes the bonds of your hair permanently, and unless you do it yourself, you have to trust the person who is doing it. Have a consultation first, they don't do it? walk away. They give you attitude? walk away. They do not have the product you requested? Ask if you can bring your own products even if you have to sign a document saying so. They don't accept that?walk away. You see them reaching for scissors? Tell them what your expectations of a trim/dusting are and to show you what they are cutting and watch them on the mirror. They roll their eyes at you? Look them in the eye and tell them to put the scissors down. The thing is, you can avoid all of that if you had a consultation first.

I had a relaxer in July and had a consultation first ( a lengthy one). They did not have the Design Essentials relaxer I wanted to try and I decided to continue with my Affirm relaxer, upping the strength to Normal instead of Mild. We established in the consultation that a)I'm a (polite) pain in the a$$ client who will have things done my way, and b) that my stylist is open and willing to listen and has great attitude.

Use Facebook, twitter, reach out to your friends and ask them to recommend a stylist to you.

Another thing, there is a wealth of information here that you can use to your advantage. When you walk away you don't have to feel lost. Wash your hair, deep condition, put it in a protective style, moisturize your ends, and continue your search. You don't have to have a relaxer today. The world will not end because of that (I've been there and I know the feeling of wanting to have my hair done)

Now, nurse your hair, be gentle, deep condition, do not manipulate it too much, get a cute hair band, pins, put it up, moisturize and seal, and wait until your old stylist can look at it.
What is up with JCP salons? Last time I was at one, I had to rwad tge stylist for all kinds of filth and call the manager. Sorry this happened to you, OP.
OP, if you don't mind me asking, which JC Penney was this? The one over in Meyerland or the one in Humble? It's a couple people I know that work at those 2 locations. JC Penney was trying to recruit us years ago back in Cosmetology, but we heard the bad complaints about them. They've had a bad rep for a few years now.

Meyerland Plaza Mall. You know with all those shops.
@VelvetRain, I'm sorry this happened to you and please do not feel as if we are scolding you:naughty: but I hope this is a lesson you will carry with you as long as you are relaxed and even if you decide to transition to natural.

You have EVERY RIGHT to walk away.I've done it and I hate confrontations but it is not worth it to me the breakage,shedding, etc that I know will come just because I did not walk away.

Second, as a relaxed head, if you change stylist, you have to get a consultation. period.I live in Canada and I don't know whether JCPenney offers a consultation but a relaxer is an important chemical service that changes the bonds of your hair permanently, and unless you do it yourself, you have to trust the person who is doing it. Have a consultation first, they don't do it? walk away. They give you attitude? walk away. They do not have the product you requested? Ask if you can bring your own products even if you have to sign a document saying so. They don't accept that?walk away. You see them reaching for scissors? Tell them what your expectations of a trim/dusting are and to show you what they are cutting and watch them on the mirror. They roll their eyes at you? Look them in the eye and tell them to put the scissors down. The thing is, you can avoid all of that if you had a consultation first.

I had a relaxer in July and had a consultation first ( a lengthy one). They did not have the Design Essentials relaxer I wanted to try and I decided to continue with my Affirm relaxer, upping the strength to Normal instead of Mild. We established in the consultation that a)I'm a (polite) pain in the a$$ client who will have things done my way, and b) that my stylist is open and willing to listen and has great attitude.

Use Facebook, twitter, reach out to your friends and ask them to recommend a stylist to you.

Another thing, there is a wealth of information here that you can use to your advantage. When you walk away you don't have to feel lost. Wash your hair, deep condition, put it in a protective style, moisturize your ends, and continue your search. You don't have to have a relaxer today. The world will not end because of that (I've been there and I know the feeling of wanting to have my hair done)

Now, nurse your hair, be gentle, deep condition, do not manipulate it too much, get a cute hair band, pins, put it up, moisturize and seal, and wait until your old stylist can look at it.

Great advice that I am taking to heart. I just hate thinking I can't trust folks with chemicals I really don't know. How hard is it to mess up a relaxer. I mean really? Last night I gave myself a nice deep conditioner. I will be doing it again until I fly back home. My home stylist will take great care of me. I'm going to Ulta this afternoon to get some Joico K Pak to use at my next wash. I always had good results with that. I just don't want breakage right now. Geez always someone to mess up a good thing you have going on.
Omg. I know exactly where that is. I know of a few places you can go to. I'll get the info together to pm you.

Thank you. PM sent.

OP - I know who you can contact at JCP headquarters if you would like to escalate this. So sorry this happened to you.

Please do. PM sent.

I am so dissapointed. The salon manager was on the stylist's side. She didn't care I wasn't satisfied with the service. I also called and left a message with the GM of that store. I haven't heard back from him. I will keep calling until I get his attention. I do need the contact of the Person at headquarters to get some fire under all 3 behinds right now.