World Natural Hair and Beauty Show 2005


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been posted but there will be a Natural Hair and Beauty Show in Georgia June 18-20th at the Georgia Convention Center in College Park. There will be representative from Natural Salons from all over the country.

A one day ticket is $20 and a 3 day ticket is $40 dollars. They offer discounts to cosmetology students.
Ticket Info:

There are a ton of worskshops and some of them are free. Theree also will be "ON THE SPOT, FREE and DISCOUNTED HAIR STYLINGS!!"

There are also will be competitions with cash prizes:
Braid Battle 3000
Best Blades Barber Competition
I went to this 2 years ago when I first moved to Atlanta ( was out of town last year) and it was such an incredible event. Even if you don't want to go to classes they have a huge exhibitor area with products galore. I got my hair styled for free.

To just go to the exhibit area (product junkies :look: beware tons of great products to sample and buy) its $5.
I attended last year and have every intention of attending this year's event, especially now that my hair is natural. I might even get my hair done. :D
I'm so going to this. I've been waiting since I found out about it in February. Thanks for more info. I like hearing the firsthand experience. Sounds like it's gonna be so much fun :D. -- jainygirl
OT (but its my thread:p): You and hubby look soooooo cute and happy in your siggy! :)

jainygirl said:
I'm so going to this. I've been waiting since I found out about it in February. Thanks for more info. I like hearing the firsthand experience. Sounds like it's gonna be so much fun :D. -- jainygirl