Working Out


New Member
I need some suggestions. My hair is relaxed and about ear/chin length I'm making the effort to workout every day. But I sweat so much it literally drips from the ends of my hair. Obviously, I have to wash after every workout. I've figured out that I could work out at night and try to do something with my hair so that I'll be presentable by morning. Well that didn't work because the wrap doesn't dry because my hair is so thick (not that I'm complaining, not really) and it ends up frizzy, even with conditioner coating the ends. I can't sleep on rollers because the hard one interrupt my sleep and the soft ones don't allow my hair to dry. When I worked out in the morning, I tried to wear it wavy but lately, it won't get wavy it just dries frizzy. I know my hair is in good condition because when I roller set or(heaven forbid) use a curling iron it turns out smooth and shiny without and creams or oils (I alternate between Garnier Fructis and Pantene for Women of Color, deep conditioning under the dryer about once a week and useing Aphogee about every six weeks). My hair is too short to wear up and my ends would be doing so much better if they could get some rest. Can a short/medium-haired sister get some feedback?
I wish I could help...I asked this same question a year ago because like you, my hair was too short to rock ponytails and buns, etc w/o looking busted. I just resigned myself to the fact that I couldnt have it both ways - - I settled for healthy, less stylish hair and the benefits of working out. Now that my hair is a little longer, I have more options: my ponytails look like actual hairstyles instead of "she didnt do her hair today". Today, I wore a braidout that I LOVED. I went to aerobics class where I sweated and I still have some ringlets. Im gonna wash on Friday because Im going to workout tomorrow and Friday. Sorry couldnt help...just wanted you to know that I could relate.
I had kinda figured that I'd just have to do the frizzy wave thing until my hair grew out. Luckily, its getting warmer. I guess I'll have another protein shake and a can of tuna and take my frizzy-hair-having-behind and go work out. Seriously though, in a year I'll have a great figure and beautiful, long hair.
Maybe you could try a braid/twist out that way even if you sweat your hair is still set. You can secure them with bobby pins or rubberbands. It's also less stress on your hair and you could do conditioner washes while it's still braided/twisted. Do you wrap your hair while you workout? Sometimes I'm self conscious about wearing a wrap but I know when my hair was longer (I cut it above my ears) I did a roller set and when I worked out I would push my hair back with a cotton bandana (cotton absorbs the sweat). When I took the bandana off I either wrap my hair or just left it as is.
A few years ago I had a nia long hair cut and relaxed hair.
After working out I would wash my hair, towel dry, add leave in and put soft twisty rollers in my hair. In the morning my hair would be very curly and dry very soft. hth
The twists seem like a great idea. Anyway right now I'm just working out at home so I'm real particular about how I look. I plan to start running but I've convinced myself to wait until my hair will go back into a respectable ponytail.
Oops I wasn't quite done yet and I missed the post from DahomeyAmazon. I'm going to try that idea too. I knew if I posted the question I'd get some good suggestions. I love the forum.
you could try the bantu set that I love so much and swear by. You can do it at night after you wash it and have nice curls in the morning
you can flat twist your hair going back a secure in a bun (real or fake). if no bun, make bantu knots at the end of each twist and secure w/bobby pin - this allows the ends to curl - put a dab of cond on the curls to help keep them moisturized.
then rinse w/ the twists still in the the shower.
blot dry with a towel or put on a soft bonnet or sit under a hooded dryer put on some cond/leave-in for about 30mins to an hour then go to sleep.
in the am, take out your flat twists and voila you have a great curly do
this works for short/medium/long hair

hope this helps