Work Relationships - Is This Rude?


Well-Known Member
I will start this by admitting that I am a TRUE introvert. Not shy at all, but tend to favor intimate relationships, not a fan of small talk (prefer meaningful conversations), and for every hour that I "give out" I need about 2 hours to recharge.

This personality type spills over into my work life, and thankfully, I work in a profession that appeals to my creative, "looking within" need.

As I've aged, I've learned to compromise and coexist with my more gregarious counterparts. I work hard to play the corporate game, as I don't want to be perceived as "Stuck up" (common misconception) or not a team player. However, I have a coworker that is driving me completely up the wall.

Our office space is small and her mouth is BIG. She just has a BIG personality... loud, no filter, quite unorthodox according to my standards, but she's fun. That is, until I need to get work done and I can't drown out her high pitched, incessant chatter. I've tried closing my door, ear buds, white noise. NOTHING works!

To make matters worse, part of my job responsibilities involve recording instructional videos. I've tried to put up a sign indicating that I'm recording, but I honestly need it to be quiet at other times, too. This has caused me to seek refuge in another building, but I get irritated because I would rather stay in my office instead of making concessions for someone who can't be QUIET!!!

My boss, a fellow introvert, is aware of the issue (he's commented on it), but now it's wearing on my nerves and my productivity--so much so that I am considering asking to relocate my office so I can get some work done.

The only issue is... I don't want it to be perceived as "black woman drama". There are only a few sistas in the entire organization and I don't want to come off as a "you-know-what"

What say you? Should I just suck it up or ask to be moved?
I'd ask to be moved but I'd also let management and the loud chick know the reason I want to move.
I've had this issue twice. I haven't had any solutions. First boss used to tell her to keep the noise down but ended up switching offices with me. The second isn't so bad but compounded with the loudness, she carries around a heavy negative vibe. I'm trying to get our entire Unit moved :look:

In the meanwhile, I hate the feel of ear buds in my ears, but I put it in and put on white noise when I need to concentrate. Doesn't help that my job requires deep concentration 90% of the time. It is highly analytical. Sigh.
Well... I ended up with a SWEETER deal by asking to be moved.

How about I will get to work from home a couple days a week?!?!

My manager completely understood and was more than willing to accommodate my needs. I like my office, but working in my Sponge Bob PJ's?!?! OH YEAH!!!!

So, MOUTH OF THE SOUTH is feeling some type of way that I got "special treatment" but I don't care. She'll get over it and I'll get my work done.
Well... I ended up with a SWEETER deal by asking to be moved.

How about I will get to work from home a couple days a week?!?!

My manager completely understood and was more than willing to accommodate my needs. I like my office, but working in my Sponge Bob PJ's?!?! OH YEAH!!!!

So, MOUTH OF THE SOUTH is feeling some type of way that I got "special treatment" but I don't care. She'll get over it and I'll get my work done.

Oh wow, that's great! Glad it worked out for you!
Well... I ended up with a SWEETER deal by asking to be moved.

How about I will get to work from home a couple days a week?!?!

My manager completely understood and was more than willing to accommodate my needs. I like my office, but working in my Sponge Bob PJ's?!?! OH YEAH!!!!

So, MOUTH OF THE SOUTH is feeling some type of way that I got "special treatment" but I don't care. She'll get over it and I'll get my work done.
Awesome news! This is a great example of how we need to stand up for ourselves and speak up when there's a legitimate issue! Good for you.